Four Sisters Named After Consuls🌆🛕🎇🦑
Reagan, Kennedy, Madison, Oliver
sisters named after consuls, handpicked to be rising aristocrats with proud feminist girl boss i can do anything even join the rulling regime oppressors
partisan of a school of psycho praxology which denies the validaty, desirability, possibility, and conceivability of quantitative evaluation the psyche, who write all their therapy notes in magical realistic poetry, vignettes, encyclopedias, and formulas; a situational anarchist psychyiatrist, think vector theory but with a greater emphasis on class conflict.
another becomes a monk and doesn't speak for 26 years, silently filibustering a tribunal to remove her on grounds of misleading statements by ommision regarding her gender upon progressing to the fourth and gender exclusive level of monkhood.
without ever leaving the tribunal she has progressed seven times through the equivalent of a master's. if she speaks to accept a professorship equivalent level with the ritual delivering of a religious commencement speech, she will loose everyone and everything she's known for 26 years. so she gives a lecture on spiritual silence, as a photo essay (including rorshasch lettered words and roadsigns, audio accompanyment, and her own voice from earlier recordings). as this played she remained silent, her expression her own, her eyes wet and lapelled shoulders back
another joins the circus swallows fire for presidents and sultanesses, pharonic courts and soviet theatres, even the hereditary double kings of Spain themselves at the Conference of the Twenty Second Century, where commissars and capitalists alike looked with occasionally indistinguishable, not to say ir-ideological, expressions of mystification and horror.
when a certain device disassembled itself in the load bearing elivator shaft of a transnational consulate where the Vicroy Elect of Mexico was staying the night before flying on to Bogata to hold a conference with the Lord-Bishop Admiral of the Panamanian Sea Dona Carlota De Cuba, first cousin four times removed of late emperor of Brazil Juan the 14th, it is noted by certain concerned parties that the fire eater, though known in two cases through purloin means to be unexplainably false, that she, the fireeater, had airtight albi placing her on the far side of the continent.
the fourth keeps a petting zoo and garden at the top of a mountain of goats, birds, hot spring monkeys, and ferns requiring high altitude. she used to work at a petting zoo four thousand feet before sea level but every time they brought a fish inside to pet it, it would explode. they switched to pressurized suits and researxhed two whalefall based ecosystems and their radial extensions, hoping to build a rhizomatic theory of how various species survived temporally and spatially between whalefalls.
officially artificial whalefalls are forbidden ever since the whales wagged a war on humanity's fishing and whaling boats, using song to kill crews from upwards of a thousand miles away after a whale was hunted and let out a distress call, and rendering the seas unmannable.
so when a whale unexpectedly dies and begins to descend they race to get as much observation as possible. their freshest fall took 2 months post death to find, since the whales are very private of their funerary rites.
a fourth dimensional squid monster is responsible for the mysterious death of the whale, and shows up while she's on an oceanwalk and transports her, inside the whale's gut, to a distance location. she survives in her pressure suit recycling oxygen out of the water, inside the whale, for five and a half weeks, and twice during that time her gps made contact not with an earth satellite but one orbiting a moon of Uranus
after being discovered washed up in the belly of a 20 foot point catfish in a super cascade mountain river in Vietnam by two fishermen after a storm left the fish stranded on the beach, 9 foot deep bite marks matching secondary punctures in her suit having left deep urañium saltwater parasites in it's gills. the interdimensional cross planetary 🦑🐙 later leaves an egg in her mountain koi pond, which hatches into a galloping squidling at home with the goats on the ravines and playing in the mountain springs.
maybe it adapted.
maybe this is part of it's lifecycle, like the fish the climb the back of the waterfall for 40 nights, dodging the seaowls who hunt at dawn and dusk, the carnivorous vines and downward swimming ravenous young, to return to their nesting pools every day when they get home from work.