Ghost Traffic

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👁 | 24 Brumaire CCXXXI | 14 November 2022 | 20 Waning Gibbous | 🌖

i’m missing my phone. can tell based on bluetooth its in my temple. tf where idk. probably near the Black Shelf Complex. i’m going to make a list of temple quests, missions, etc.


i want a green evil eye amulet. i feel like green eyes get a bad rap. envy, green eyes, weird. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Some Prompts from Earlier:


A ludite/amish/skeuomorphic government, governor, authoritarian, amish versus witches. ooh thats interesting amish v witches

Conversation between angels at the cusp of a swarm

Response to Blood in my Eye —Electionism, Legitimation, Surrealist Tactics, Flows, Machines, Games, Festivals, Rituals

Lent, politics of eschatology, apostatosis, metamsakosis, self injury, despair, …

The coffee temple at first and main, the hyped up cartographically centered heart. see Eliade

! Try to get to bed by 27:00! (3 more hours as its now 00:00)

Temple Missions

Find Phone (Quest)

Journal (Ritual)

Make Bed - Ritual

Brush Teeth - Ritual, Spell

Write On Lent - Rite

Mission: Reorganize shelf into medicine drawer! Rite. (use incencse, don’t burn it tho_)

Update Blackboard - Ritual, machinery of the temple …

Update Home Page, Habits, Spells, …

Check Reddit for prompts. Essay topics — outline of worker cult,

Watch Acid Horizon (pilgrimage, like a text! meditations, cartographies) on Neitzhshe, tarot, amor fati

Read Elilade

message Balreet (prayer, mantra, chant, … )

Put up hooks

hang shirts on hooks

Take meds — sleep, feet

Get a Book for Ezra! and one for Sara!

secret santa at work! … … …. … … … … …. .

Interests Page , Media Recomendations … broadcasts, sacraments and rites…

REDDIT COMMENT ritual of forgiveness and transformation, super cool stuff. find screenshot!

ocd is rough


as it happens, RR, i frequently am reaching for formulae of thanks, gratitude, and i find naming my own pantheon of Gods, with i myself playing at brahman ,

i found my phone. phone blogging. ocd big freeze after big productivity, mostly organizing

want to make spells of organizing

most magic is just telekinesis

as it happens i do telekinesis all the time

thr/o/ugh/n my body

! cultivating a neurodiverse expirimtal exploratory writing practice



revolution is an art. revolution dojo ? socialist dojo. students and teachers imply hierarchy, true, but we are all disciples of the way, which provides another flow

«i always know when I'm dreaming»


dream horror

we who dream in horror

no rules to hurt me in Dispatches, which is therefore why i would write my first draft of OTBT here

science cult gender, wizard, philosopher, continental and analytic…

the days of the week have a gender to them. come on, can't you taste it!?

poets reconstructivists imaginary situation surrealist? but maybe cross current with authoritarian/sectarian versus anarchistic/rhizomatic?

death of the author itarian

Batlrtes and Garcia marqez

! pull ouft autumn of the patriarch 💙🤎