, ☿ | 26 Brumaire CCXXXI | 16 November 2022 | Third Quarter 🌗
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Last night i found out my friend’s cat is missing, I’m hoping he gets reunited with her safe and sound. I prayed in the grove about it.
I got two more books / the rest of my order from thriftbooks.com, Illuminations by Benjamin which joins Reflections, and Lent by Walton. this copy of Lent has an additional chapter, 2 lines long, which rather takes away from the conclusion by saying too much in my opinion. but then again, it is a gospel. i would like to put an icon of Saint Savonarola on my altar. perhaps I’ll draw one.
! make a St. Savonarola icon
! make a Rabia of Basra icon
i want to work on blog stuff but i’m big exec dysfunction. its together hour now anyway, or will be in a minute (delayed to 20:15).
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Third Quarter Moon
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday - Waning Crescent : Ghost Day