Ghost Traffic

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⚧️⚕️ Feast Of Snakes 🎃 11 October 2023 🧅 Shading Gibbous Harvest Moon 🌘 019 Vendémiaire CCXXXII 🍷 9979 ⛩️

work tomorrow. rest today.

picking up an apothacary order for Boyfriend

clean cat bowls today

harrow litter if possible

read Caliban and The Witch.

read The Palace of Dreams.

daily log, moon journal.

make a COVID shot appointment.

plan a trip to the corn maze.

read Seven Surrendors.


organize laundry, especially socks.

wish for warm pants

listen to Utopia, Resistance, and the Black Panthers, Acid Horizon.

add Utopia, Resistance, and the Black Panthers, Acid Horizon, to Storygraph.

empty vacuum filter.

work on sage temple notebook.

writing on telepathic operators, psychadelic Fortune telling cafe, notes from nowhere, ransome notes.

ransome theory of Atonement.

{!#} dispatches, Essays.