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βš§οΈβš•οΈ Snakeday, Feast of Aesklepius πŸ¦€πŸ 28 Sebastuary 2024 πŸŒ˜β›ˆοΈ Waning Storm Moon πŸŠπŸ‰ 342 Fructidor CCXXXII πŸπŸƒπŸŒ…πŸ’πŸπŸ‰ Day 10,301 ⛩️


Organize charging station


10 of cupsbellshourglasses

4 of cupsbellshourglasses

9 of coinswheelsorbslanterns

10 of hourglasses

4 of hourglasses

9 of lanterns

dreams of Tiger getting sick and missing Belle


coins orbs wheels lanterns

cups bells hourglasses spools

wands quills horns

swords sickles anchors

cup wand sword coin

cup cup lantern bell hourglass

wand quill wand horn thread

sword anchor ? sword sickle

coin orb / wheel / mask coin

stars? secrets?


for wheels: gears, combination locks,


for coins: beads, cymbals

pharmacy light keeper harmonics time manip

scribe walker husbandry tapestry

sailor astrologer fighter herbalist

scryer mechanic theatre banker


Debt is such a trippy text. I think I might re read it right away cause I started it forever ago and I don't remember the beginning

I might chalk Read Debt by David Graeber on the sidewalks just to increase the chance I can talk to someone about it. eventually someone who has read it will see


!write on the efferance system in other minds

!chalk messages

!read minor angels

!post selections of bookmark notes from Debt

!write on last year of reading


Terra Ignota: The Prodige Wars

I think this is a big part of Mycroft's guilt. if they hadn't killed Apollo and the others Bridger might have grown up in a 'bash like the Mardi's, a prince-god of Alba Longa (sp?) to eclipse JEDD Mason the way Jedd eclipsed the earlier Albalonga/Mardi think-tank experiment children of whom Mycroft was the most impressive and tragic of examples. he would have grown up in a 'bash that was dedicated to destroying this world to make a better one.

in contrast, he grew up under/kind of as a member of the house of the bash dedicated to the opposite principle: to remove individuals and their worlds to save this world from war.

the one common 'bash member between the two is Mycroft. before he met Bridger, Mycroft was the feral foster prince of Albalonga, and then Sniper's dog as well as Jedd's, placing him as a servant and spy in every house on the Big 7 list.

the fact that Mycroft destroys Bridger's destined home (if they are or would have been Seine's child) and then Bridger shows up at the SW's bash around when Mycroft starts working there, plus the opposition between the principles of the Mardi's and OS, and the alternate parallel timelines and childhoods of Bridger, these suggest that the timing of Bridger's childhood is tied to Mycroft, to his two weeks (when Bridger would have been about to be born), or to the three way philosophical battle between the Mardis, OS, and Mycroft, or a combination thereof, which attracted the interest of the miraculous.

a god with the power to bring toys and stories to life manifests under the home of a living doll, a mad scientist, a witch, the family which oversees both the technology that makes this world possibly (the cars) and the political technology (the assassinations), raised by the century's most public criminal and most private ones, shaping their personalities into narratives rescued in a tattered copy from Apollo's corpse and the junk heap where the robots excavate.

and if there also happens to be a being for whom the trolly problem is debilitating who is in position to inherit/conquer the world, that seems pretty relevant to the miraculous.

but I tend to think that the Alexander was less of a parting gift to Jedd then to 1. Cato, Bridger's third parental figure who helped Bridger build ALEX the robot and who loves Utopia's dream and is kind of a counter-Apollo figure since Cato didn't want to assassinate people but did so while Apollo was willing to wage war for the stars but is killed in it's second battle and also to 2. Achilles, parent number 4, who doesn't want to fight a war but has been called back because he's The Soldier and in Alexander is one of the Harbingers and who also loves the stars.

general question: in your own words, how would you describe the final events of PtS (beginning at, say, Mycroft at the Temple of Janus)

|| my own impression is that Mycroft is either about to fall and die or be assassinated by Tully or on JEDD's orders (foreshadowed by him reconciling himself to Cornell's and Ando's deaths and choosing to let them rest) and in his final moments he is being contacted by the Future to let him know that the Reader who summoned Mycroft to him by cunning arts/resurection tech is downloading Mycroft's mind into their own, along with Hobbes and possibly 9A so as to lean on/be used as their laborers as colonists for new worlds, and these are Mycroft's last words typed out on his tracker.

or it's propaganda? fabricated by partisans of the Prince or Mycroft seeking to add to Mycroft's sainted and magical status ||