☍ • 23 Frumaire CCXXXI • 13 December 2022 • 🌖
dreamnt that my homophobic father was giving me advice on how to flirt with a guy who was right there who i had previously upset because he was social distancing and i went up to him. cartography of dreams quite strange. space travel to Mars hybernation traps
!get carrots 🏮
!headphones >···
!paint cats for Christmas
!Andy's X
!Coffee 🏮✔
!Cane 🏮X
!Laundry 🏮✔
!Therapist office phone Number ·
!Put up more hooks 🏮
!Find Checkbook, transfer funds
!Litter 2/7 🏮✔
!Dispatch ••• 🏮…···•••
!Readings: T÷S, TCS, etc 🏮•••
!Freewrite •🏮•