☭ 22 Brumaire CCXXXI • 12 November 2022 • Waning 🌖 Gibbous 03:45
dreams Friday morning were long and involved and i betrayed someone profoundly, and then woke without any mechanism for confession or atonement. i think that was in the afternoon. but at 8am i woke to a of bad thirst, ran to the bathroom, and vomited. i was sick yesterday too, i attribute it to the antibiotics I'm taking for my infected toe. fear.
i went back to bed and slept hard. woke, Michael and i decided to postpone bank trip, try again tomorrow
went to get coffee, got a book by Benjamin in the mail, excited, already almost finished surrealist essay.
wanted to write all day and couldn't. but i did have an extra long together hour with Dimitri and good cuddles with the kittens, play with Princess Buttercup,
i must add Fox as an author for that dispatch he helped with
getting close to done with The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. i just don't care for Ashby at all, idk what maybe cause he's a capitalist or is just too blame but I'm quietly rooting for his death
walking up from nightmares as a kind of dress. that was a NHFP motif in my dreams
dying and resurrecting across time, worlds, planes of being
surealism spiritualism Unconscious Messiah magnetism hypnotism
impossible realism, the impossible and other concepts real existing inside or outside of things,
magick, technology, all of their science…
the consuls
Olympic surrealist games invented each cycle, scoring and interpretation a projection of the id
sleepy. weird dreams vr, death was commonplace and tragic and undoabke, tried to take off the machine fumbling in the dark, dreams and their costs
ransom theory of atonement
self harming god
contradictory interests
pre individual
dreaming awake