Ghost Traffic

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♀️| 13 January 2023 | 24 Nivôse CCXXXI | 🌖


waking up from dream. magical invincibile gurrilla who blows himself and an entire occupied city up by eating an espresso bean., survives and is able to control the blast to such a degree the landscape is destroyed but the people only lifted up and carried far by the blast.

a shadowy figure with a glider and two sliver knives who found the amber spyglass which gives incredible insight but he cannot speak of it or even imply it's significant or the demon tide will hear him and know of it. even his conspiring with other rebels must be limited to each working out the strategies for themselves.

Gods occupying HR and brutally appropriating the peoples bodies for way and labor and sex and fear.


for 3 days in freshman or sophomore year i was obsessed with the 2 General Problem


what if the universe is a 2 general problem


armies crossing the bridge their weapons destroyed if it would harm anyone but not if it's just going to miss. a ninja or officer of the invaders sitting at the threshold of the bridge as vollies of bullets are dissolved against his skin. a wizard prophet figure from the other side facing him down, blocking out the sun on the eastern side of the river by curse. someone tries to alert the office to the mugging of a small time never by the shadowy figure, but he brushes them off.

monsters in the water, which tear open submarines and fill boats with zombie crews so that brother side will suffer them to dock


a search for a picture book in a bookstore or library. by the wizard? his allies the gurrelia fighter who can shape shift nuclear blasts and the glider guy who has found the telescope can't tell him the book but only subtly encourage the search, so as not to alert the gods


drunk with a family member in a church parking lot, they leave and i attend an lonely orgy, i tell at my father for his absolutely awfulness visavis ensuring the safety of my cats. drunk driving, saved by the shadowy resistance fighter?


I'm sleepy still, but i want to go buy espresso beans