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🧿 | 28:56 | 17 Brumaire CCXXXI | November 7 2022 | Waxing Gibbous Blood Moon 🌔🔴🌕🌖 | Election Day | 18 Hours 51 Minutes to polls close

have to go to bed soon


did a ritual under the blood moon—brought a pumpkin to the spirit who saved my life and my headphones a few months ago, also decorated a pumpkin with a sigil i found , added a bunch of my own, might bring back to original place or pass aroudn the apartment idk yet. also listned to acid horizon on hardt and negri and empire and postmodernism and dataism and trasparency as epi-virtue . also burned incense and messaged SD. also wrote a bunch about election day and now i’m writing this

work was stressful, money stress rent stress ringworm stress doctor stress had to stay late stress sweet basil closed again every time i have a lunch even tho its not sunday today and a patron lost her phone was really upset and managing work and stuff

my bosses have been telling me i stink and also that i’m nnot allowed to wear athletic wear but if i wear something heavier i’ll just sweat more. impossible situation. need to text Jesse about it. stress stress stress

have work early early. 11, only 6 hours, 5 to sleep, realistically like 3. i’m really going to want to skip work tomorrow but that negates all the extra work it did, i am still so precaiorus and will continue to be , if there’s another emergency (and we live under the capitalist profitering emergency system) i will need money. stress stress stress.

tomorrow once im off work at 3:30 should hopefully be able to rest. we’ll see.

idk. but i needed this night to myself and to spirit and spells and writing, even though i didn’t write on Gospel or more on Females but writing iss wrtigin aand i also journaled and i ordered 2 benjamin books and lent.

“We’ll Build Our World, as with all Worlds, in 6 days time.”

got a christmas gift for my partner. finally did 1001 set up! still playing with formatign of tab bar. \

good night