Ghost Traffic

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☿ • 25 January 2022 • 6 Pluviôse CCXXXI • 🌒

Executive Notes

[Nice Green #0AE38E]



!🏮Set up list of subjects



really bad , family member = murderer. not sure how i’m going to get to sleep tonight.

Recent Events

i’ve been journaling a lot lately on my subreddit butandplus i’m trying to not stress myself about archiving it / moving it all over onto here, cause reddit is a much nicer interface on the phone. i want to get my desktabletop setup so the computer has a good resting altar that i can easily access. i think the changes regarding the swaping of the greater black pagodatemplemoonmountain

they assigned me a vacation and now have not assigned me for another week any hours, so i took all my sick time. idk i’m working on it, i’m going to make therapyprogress tonight (paperwork) and


i like the worldbuilding in Spyro Eternal Night, in my headcannon anyway the dragon temple is floating in an asteroid jungle and dragons can fly to the “celestial moons” (implying other, more terrestrial moons?) if they want to. flight for the pirates is also quite generous.


I want to plan on spending evenings outside more now that the sun is setting later. i’ve made a deal with the sun, i get up marginally earlier, it sets marginally later.


.. … … … …. … … … … … … …

i’ve taken my meds so that’s good.


up tomorrow to get coffee and back by 16:00



His Maasters Voice mainly, and some trademark closing Lemian philosophical faction forming currently in the last 26 minutes

hoping to finish up a bunch of small books — Zizeksjokes , capitaslit realism , invisible cities , …


Summoning Missions


!personal Audit

!write dr k bishop senate

!water drinking spy at cafe

!write on revolutionary worldbuilding

Go Tell the Godmakers
!Watch Good Omens

!Vet, Chip,


pk, big stress. lets narrow scope. how about, writing plans

-Dr k bishop

-write about waterspy

-on Rev wolrdbuilding

survice with a scowl

getting things dones notes

house cleaning -exegesis (check,) ..



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