Ghost Traffic

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⚕ | 12 Brumaire CCXXXI | 2 November 2022 | First Quarter 🌓

dreams: Matteo and i traveling through a dream geography of our town, a long long movie, meaning coffee and distributing it to people i knew in grade school, thefts, findings, flight, a way to tell after someone dies which hell they went to, including demons who get sent to the fire. the Lord declares himself to be a demon incarnate bound for hell and makes a promise of some kind, the people try to overthrow him, a towering house where Matteo and i live, crying about my thesis, q bamboo plant, kittens, architecture, nudity, fear abnegation.

! picking up Walmart order at 15:00, currently 14:21.

reading Females by Andrea Long Cho

hey get coffee with my personal cup!