Ghost Traffic

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☍ | 4 Brumaire CCXXXI | 25 October 2022 | Solar ⚫ Eclipse


dreams of bring a guest of R and everyone hating me, somnoarchitecture, mansion and grandmother's house…


Buttercup's voice slowly coming back.


Walmart returns

call vet

cat day

read, try to get closer to finishing by Halloween my original goal



! projects page! see recent dispatches



early this morning got McDonald's breakfast food and went to the grove, burned a little incense. want to go back and burn more and leave a little pumpkin.

age of empires will have a definitive edition, i started following that Reddit a few weeks ago and it's fun seeing the slow roll out excitement of the event. very election

close to finishing last days of new Paris, and idk I'm kinda meh? it feels like not a deep enough dive? lots of good stuff, surealism and the demons and everything but yeah. idk might need a break from meiville

might also just not know enough about surealism

Walmart returns today, big stressful, they did not make it easy on us.

all work is fictional, especially the fiction which states/presents reality exactly as it is…


got my philosophers tarot in the mail today!