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Temple of the Apostle and the Sphinx

philosophers start schools, draw crowds, cultivate messiahs, ...


a class of elven priests, Papacies lasting a hundred years, Bishoprics ruled by young five year olds, cardinals-elect yet to take their first communion


a nunnery known for their skills in archery, whose patron saint ended a war when she shot herself through the heart with a dove's feather from across the wall of a besieged palace in an act of mirraculous bilocation.

they are also known for their battlefield medics, another patron who by moonlight stitched the battlefields for 30 nights, having bleed her own moonlight on the final night


and they are known for their veil and sword dancing, a circus of saints


The God Who Walks by The Dark of the Moon

The God who Knows Nine Secret Things

  1. one to a riddle no longer told

  2. one from a letter with a name withhold

  3. one in a pond in a park in the night

  4. one untouched by hands or light

  5. one from a grave when the coffins dug

  6. one by a wink and a shrug

  7. one in the garden where the serpents hiss

  8. one from a loved one you're sure to miss,

  9. and one by pure chance at the price of pure bliss



Temple of the Apostle and the Sphinx