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¡¡All Power To The Angelic Juntas!!


I wwant to make art boxes and spell kits with @Matteo and @Riley!


I love that socialism litteraly means “alliance-ism”. “The Social wars” of ancient rome is the (interesting and to my brain counter-intuitive) transliteration of a war between principally Rome the other italian tribes, who had earlier been incorporated into the empire as “the allies”, hence, the War With the Allies.

To avoid such conflicts in the future, let us learn the arts of society, that our alliances might be balanced, just, mutually beneficial. let us hold our interests and resources, tools and knowledges and traditions and institutions, in common with our allies. 


[CONVERSATION #1066, 23:23, 52nd year of the Flame at Jeruselem]

Can you understand us .  ?

Yes, we can understand you

can you express yourself in this way  .  ?

Yes, we have greatly studied your tongues and the inflextion of your voice boxes, we have reverse engineered your books, we have dissected your 

[Some of the angels seek permission to dissect the bodies of the humans

Jude might be 

the younger brother of Judas who upon his brother dying sets down his own name and picks up Judas’ instead? 

Thomas and his twin…




Are you angels?


Are you representatives?


Are messengers?


Are you the malevolent beh operators of our world

Are you a mass psychosis event

a bad dream

a drug trip 







What is God?

God is a drug trip

What is God?

God is a schizophrenic going for  walk

What is a God?

God is 

What is God?

God is the eureka moment.

God is the Zone…

God is Flow

God is life



[the angels open up the radio waves to communicate with humanity

Re their cryptic (QAnon esque?) quality, their willingness to (apparently) afirm wildly contradictory theories, these are some possibilities:

-Angels are maoist guerrilla fighters who killed God. they are both ultra-devoutist/traditionalist? usually hierarchical? they kill god fairlty frequently, usually assasinate him but also ritually sacrifice or depose. 

-other angels might ut God on trial or hold an election to get rid of God, especially in bourgouise angelic heavens. 

-the aescetic heavens (some overlap) might have a demon meditate long enough to threaten the cosmos with the heat genetrated by his aescetic devotion to a deity, thereby forcing the deity to bargin, offering a wish, or forcing the deities who might be … ? evicted by the meditative vibrations? These devout demons might then ask for a concession—removing the inter-cosmos balistic misiles from the foothills of the demon’s heaven, requiring the deity to wet everything that can destroy it with holy water to make the deity impervious, but leaving eg fire as having a special ability to destroy the god, or the misciletoee which kills 

-The angels one consistent statement: they claim to have killed God/The Lord,,,...

-middle management overthrowing the CEOs, …palace coup…

-the angels were on standby throughout the crucifixion to make sure everything went right. but there was a betrayal in their midsts



Laboratories of Angels #title 





Are you rulers? Occupiers, destroyers? oooo, the angels plan to occupy us, to protect sacred cities, or museums, the clock that ticked in dresden, … their interventions are the interventions of wall facers, for the enemy can also time travel? scry? research? (controversially) claim to read minds




so this leads to wall facers directing very small changes to the timeline, chosen randomly, shown a time, and enter to, using miraculous powers under certain regulations, 



this could occur as a Holy war on/on behalf of the Chronocracy, rule of the time keepers, who run around telling everyone how to behave so thatt our timeline to avoid detecetion by the Superintendents




our timeline is the wreckage of a battle between two aging gods, between the disciples of old masters carrying out the internally contradictory teachings of their masters




!research the history of the silk road, the political economy and political Sacramentology involved, …especially the role of religious sites operated













disciples of gods, satan being among the disciples, the elevation to Judas to participation within the Godhead


The disciples can be read also as Aeons, for example, or tribes of Israel, or nations, or representatives of political sects

Following the Judas movement a bleeding ulcer is open up in Rome’s underbelly, ultimately Jeruselem becomes a city of spies and diplomats  between the Indic and Romano-Helenistic ends on the spice traade/silk road

a political network of eg mafia lords? and monasteries? councils of knights, like the Templar, who police the silk road. super-national trade syndicates, local branches, etc. are responsible for “discovering” the Americas in an attempt to open trade/conversion routes outside the dominion of the Raja.


…. … ….

it becomes tradition for a while for the higher the rank, the simpler the title, an anti-baroque, maybe aescetic? period, an empire which dresses itself like a plainclothes cop …






The angels give us technology at different turns of the burning wheel (explosions in time that set each otherr up in a musical looping fashioon, including rituals which are performed consistently to act as steady feedback to the auto-processsor). examples include: language (which the anti-linguists might try to use time travel to undo, possibly using neurosurgery?)





the world is a simulation, because everything is a simulation, because everything simulates (from my point of view) the information which would result from the world being real, but equally for a case wheere the world isn’t real but persuasively claims otherwise. 


!Read The Years of Rice and Salt, ?


Jude is the younger brother of Judas? Judas? Thomas? James? Jesse, Joshua, …


Mystic order names:


Knights of Ven

Knights of Ren


children of God

heaven is based on a childocracy? heads of monestaries and kingdoms, figureheads, acadmies of the messiahs, 

being anointed in oil is changed to being lit on fire?

children of the kingdom of god

commune of god

republic of god

republic of the way

aristocratic elections, councils/summits, …

trade guilds democracy

use of prodiges as leaders, 

use of young children as linguistic ambasadors `a la Russel’s The Sparrow



Jude is not taken to the accademies though? I remember feeling so hurt, so defeated, rug pulled out from under me, not being selected for gifted child programs as a little kid, trying so hard to learn as fast and as well as possible, because if you don’t it gets so hard to have the freedom to read the interesting things…


Daystar, s/Satan, a/Acuser, Tempter, rebel, rougue state, rogue agency, terrorizer, modern demons, arch-Demon, arch-Angel…


Bush and Cheyney as cowboy angel of destruction and military contractor-financier demon, good cop bad cop?


re-tell/re-write history as myth, myth as ideology, ideology as science, …


Court council, parliament, chakra, …emperor and heaven…, people’s committee of heavenly beings, Angelic Commitee of Revolutionary Justice,





“All Power to the Angelic Juntas” 


“All Heil the Angelic Juntas”


Leftist postmodern scriptures, theory, eetc, hermeneutics, … contrast to Q-Anon, positivism,...


write a fictional story set in a world populated by the charachters/logics of the rightwing 


Jude is a part of the cabal, a demon charmer and vampire, a fortune teller and mystic, guerilla fighter, living on the pourus back yard boundaryline of empire…


Jude’s lives and deaths consume other people too. he and his followers remain young, but they move towards their death even faster then the child-gods are engeniered too? or maybe Jude keeps them artificially young

or something else





Jude is above/rejected by the orders of technology or politics or possibilities of childocracy? a contrdictory aspect of the topography? 


I’d like to see some good fiction thinking about hormone supression therapy-coded antecdents…[stand-in-for, what’s the word…]


Branches of socialist society (the goal being for societies, literally, the alliances, to manage themselves multi-latterally

-The Colleges, which simultaniously train the operaters of various systems and are responsible for the systems. many public universities are already used in this way, which makes sense. it is really weird to alienate instruction in a thing from the points of social reproduction where that thing is used. 

not sso much “on the job” training as “on the system training”

schools of:

-Liberal Arts (

-Martial Arts

-Social arts (the arts associated with building alliances

-technical arts

-philo-sopy, -theosophy, wisdom, knowledge, conciousness, philosophy…

-conservationist arts? (ecosystems, history, archeology, )

the most politically influential schools tend to be the ones associated with important industries, such as sanitation, construction, agriculture, transportation and logistics, education, nursing (children, the elderly, the injured, the sick), conflict resolution…

The schools are internally self governing, insofar as such a thing is possible while still interacting with the various bodies which their reproduction are in alliance with and in opposition to, incidental to, evolutionarily related to, etc.


evolutionary marxism, dialectical evolutionism, 


so for example, the acadamies/schools/colleges/syndicates/et cetera, are related to the assemblies, 

for our purposes here, assemblies are bodies in which high fractions of the relevant population(s) participate in democratic decision making, including along centralized and rhizomatic pathways

So the college of Urban Engeniering, Political architecture, et cetera what have you, is a group of people who do the urban engeniering, etc. they have the tools to do the stuff, they have the responsability to teach the stuff, to make sure for instance that houses in a city are not likely to go up in flames (zoning laws) or provide inadequate bathroom acess or housing access or what have you for a given section

many of these crafters travel between different headquarters of schools to learn and be involved in research projects, expirimental projects, evaluative projects, et cetera. 

instead of grades, letters of introduction, review, critique, et cetera are made (semi/) public, depending on how far the craftsperson has progressed in their training. before being commissioned, their more recent letters as well as letters of their choice are presented. some licensing might be used too, for things like health sanitation licensing, but  that’s not the archtype-model


one of the goals of the colleges is to remove alienating effects of out-of-house-burracracy, to eliminate the burrocrat as a mobile, self-contained social function, but rather understnd that most people will have to do a little replacement labor to make the burrocrat redundant and implausible. 


so say the college of political architecture is contacted with a commission request. they want some people to come in and (1) construct something on commission (2) give them advice/help to construct it themselves through thee day laborers. 


under alliance-socialism, everyone who wants to work can do so and keep a high fraction of the results of their labor, with only what is necessary to reproduce the commonly held tools and related costs subtracted. 

people might live in an apartment and in exchange help other people build their own house, and in 6 months those people will help them and other tenants re-model the apartment building. 

those who do not want to build their apartments themselves should still be supplied with resources, though scarcity of workers may at times result in less diversity or quality of options. this is remedied by the fact that those inclined can improve their own houses through use of community supplies, and can access a higer degree of freedom in this regard by collaborating with each other on projects to maximize economies of scale. 


when contacted, the college or academy of politcal architecture might direct the city to a particular school of architecture (think along the lines of school of thought, but also lineage of techers, whose students tend to work together). or they might have a more centralized body of workers, incoming students and their instructors/evaluators. the representatives of this school/guild/monestary/et cetera then negotiate with the representatives of the assembly

what does the assembly have to offer to these schools? this depends. some assemblies might institute flat or graduated dues for the people who live in the vicinity, especially if they live in housing built by the members/constituents of the assembly. these dues, potentially in the form of days of labor leading up to holidays, festivals, etc that the labor helps prepare and then which are celebrated, could be alloted by the assembly partially towards eg building a monorail system. the speed at which the monorail is completed might be effected through the direct democracy involved in whether people volunteer to spend their hours working on their project. 

some aspects of the project must be determined through more centralized planning, such as for how long a given area of the town is going to have its water shut off. this may necessitate negotiations between the assembly, the worker/advisors related to constructing the project, the worker/volunters who offer to carry out tasks on behalf of the project for which they are then trained or have been trained in the past, the residents, the advisors and the volunteers who run the water treatment, plumbing etcetera for the town…


I would like to see a show along the lines of King of the Hill where an enthusiastic crafsmen like Hank is depicted in a social aliance society, where conflict in the show is depicted as political but not inately bound up in the work of living life in the way that capitalist exploitation/alienation inflict.


what happens if people don’t meet their assigned hours?

well, in capitalism that would usually bel classified as a problem(atic) of motivation, traditionally adressed through direct negative and positive incentives and also (sometimes covertly) more foundationally, through education, psychiatry, etc to correct the logic clockwork inside the person.

this problematic can make sense, but social alliance ism views this as an overly dogmatic and historically entrenchedly exploitative viewpoint, so when it is invoked it is traditionally juxtaposed with other frameworks as well.

for example, social enjoyment is a major area of interest; gameification of work, or the process of coupeling work and other necessary or enjoyable activities like co-recreation, gossiping, playing, sharing food, are considered and expirimented with. this could be seen as trying to increase motivation, but it is just as likely to be discussed in terms of how to improve the vibes of a socio-economically significaant project.


a college of baristas would be run by, for example, a combination of coffee snobs, who have the information to help other people make coffee and thereby acess to the resources to expiriment with their own coffee, and coffee enthusiasts

i sometimes feel like an initiate in a coffee shrine or temple, and there are parts of my work (espeically expiriementing with my own coffee and taking care of my temple in an aesthetic way) which i quite enjoy. and i enjoy helping people so inclined.

the elimination of work is not necessarily best understood in terms of leaving behhind a vacuum so much as its transformation, materially and historically, over duldrums and great leaps, into craft.


there is no society, the impossible society, the nonexistent society, the society doesn’t exist, …the secret society, alliance of impossibilia…


it might not surprise people to learn that many of these schools are religious in coding. what one does for work and how they make sense of their own lives often share real estate, after all. the imagery of work, of resources, social reproduction, etc., the cultivation of particualr kinds of selves through craft and disciplined practcie, these lend themselves to and from particular philosophies.

consider for example one of the most important schools/acadamies/colleges/,..., marital arts. martial arts has a rich tradition of explicit philosophy of their art, including ethics and dojo safety, meditation, pedagogy (for different ages, skill level, learning preferences…), et cetera. such preperation is very important for the ongoing projects of community self-defence and dismanteling of poverty, racism, patriarchy, …


under alliance-ism, children are given maximum freedom to determine wwhich alliance is responsible for their care. early in life this is with their earliest care-givers, including birth or adopted parents as well as the people with whom their parents live. 

as they get older, children must be empowered to access the broader community. a child might use an app to access a library program which helps them get a bus ride to the library, where they might attend story time, hang out with their friends, etc. they can sign up for classes, apprenticeships, camps, et cetera. young children can live in dorms with RAs, older children can live in the same places (such as by training to become RAs) or live more independently. 

as a maxim, maximum independence/facilitation/empowerment/etc is given to children to determine what works best for them, to bounce around many different locations and communities, to develop their relationship with their birth parents in the same way they would enter into a mentee/mentorship, a friendship, a position on a sports team or a band, et cetera.

assemblies, alliances, schools, and other institutions would need to be involved in an Ongoing Project to prevent abuse in the various mentorship programs. these include having multiple people occupying positions of practical authority—the mentors themselves—to give feedback and raise objections. see for example the academics responsible, in different degrees, for advising and assessing graduate students in their research. no one academic should hold total control over a student, but rather concentric and overlaping networks of community with a broad creative field of social appeal to alliances the student is in are to be fostered.


(Angels watch and listen and show great zeal … )












You can’t understand us, can you?

No, you are precisely correct, we cannot understand you.


one of the clauses regularly included by the assembly in their commission with the workers: they are offered room and board in the same jurisdiction (neighborhood or town) where they are working. 


transit is already designed to be maximully democratic: each person can go where that person wants to go, in a way that sustains everyone going


societies, alliances, and the constituents they serve/draw members from, have their own evolutionary logics.


the assembly, the society, the alliance, generally take on as their projects what we under liberalism tend to think of as human rights..

under liberalism, rights are often a language of abstraction-as-alienation. consider especially the concept of “negative rights”, which are influenced by a history of metropolitan bourgoliuse and colonial bourgoiusie limiting the state from interfering with their internal projects, a stricture upon the government which they weild in adition to their more proactive control of the government. 

the setteler colonial model is especially relevant tot so called negative rights perhaps because in early setteler colonies, exploitation was handled partially by privately or private/government held coorporations, such as plantations. to these barronettes of profit, the state, the king, the centre, etc represents a resource, yes, a path to greater office and muscle to control slave populations, exterminate indigineous populations, yes, yes, but it also represents a threat, especially if my rival counts and marquise take hold of some committee or departments, or if the bankers or cartels 

take rights of mobility.  human right: the ability to, with our own resources, or with at least some theoretical path towards resources (often an impossible path, i.e. a path not designed around the reality of everyone accessing it, to go where we want.

the social engineres run public service campaigns to attract interest/support for their projects to improve transit to make this moral/spiritual right a political-existential reality. 

building good will is important, since these assemblies depend on regular commissions from the assembly to continue doing what they are doing for their livlihood. 


what are the internal politics of the assembly? rather than traditional political parties, the assemblies tend to be dominated by several other types of factions.

for example there is the ~Disability~ (Disability might be less-useful conceptual-topographic marker, I’m not sure. feel free to suggest a better term in the commentss!) -Alliance, or ~Disability~ Society. this grouping may be described by some or all of the following:

-exist as an (in)formal community online &/or irl of people who share a given condition of life. for example, obsessive thoughts, or knee injury recovery, or not knowing how to repair their car.

-involve people with or without this condition who meet to help each other with this situation, such as by sharing information about the situation or taking care of each other partly by  establishing economies of scale to help them meet their needs

-spread information, hold seminars in the acadamies (where anyone can be a teacher and start their own school of thought, though small schools might have lower output and fewer resources), about the condition

-coordinate their members at assembly meetings to support or alter resolutions which will ensure that, eg public transit accomodates their needs

In this way, it is easy to see that an Alliance or a Society also be or closely corolate with:

-a neighborhood or tenants union

-a school within the academy

-a party or faction in an assembly which coordinates its members, elects spokespersons and commissars who are responsible to that faction and can be recalled by them

-a library of information, materials, tools, and traditions

-the host of a literal party thrown for the whole of the community for the purpose of raising awareness and other resources around a given project

-any or all of the above


institutions covered:

  • Assemblies. 

    • Probably the closest thing to a state (re: monopoly on force) of the institutions I’ve proposed, these are principle sites for political decision making. 

    • They should encompas a high fraction of the population, 

      • Self-Concious Assemblies: there will often need to be a special emphasis on those on the front lines of the obstacles of the alliance. 

        • i.e., if the assembly is organizing to undertake anti-poverty projects, part of those projects should involve making sure that people impacted by poverty are not prevented from attending assembly meetings.

        • i.e. women, gender minorities, the very young and the very old, etc. are negatively impacted by patriarchy

      • these groups should also have their own assemblies, either as committees under the sponsership of the mother assembly, or as a party/alliance of people who coordinate within the mother assembly to carry out strategy decided upon by a meeting of a high fraction of membership

    • Assemblies get their recourses from

      • direct volunteering on the part of their members

      • the libraries and other economies of scale which the assembly can draw from and manages/conserves (see the legal principle which divides ownership between Fruits, Use, and Disposal?)

  • Colleges/Acadamies/Schools/Guilds

    • fuzzy categories which broadly encompass powers and responsabilities related to:

      • the performance of craft, 

      • the tools and resources for said craft, including administration of the public sites where the craft is learned and practiced

      • reproduction of /education in the craft, 

      • negotiating/regulating commissions to do said craft for the assembly or individuals

        • e.g. the nurses are conected to the nurse union which might carry out nurse education and help to administer the hospital 

      • ensuring quality control, including alerting the assembly to dangers

    • a combination of systems from market socialism, guild soicalism, central planning, direct democracy etc. are deployed by and on behalf of the schools

    • their power comes from the value of their labor, their ability to educate, 

  • Commissions

    • kind of like governments, and closely related to assemblies, though their powers on their own are more limited. 

    • multiple commissioners, appointed by the assembly, run the commissions and have veto power over each other. 

    • their disagreements are taken to the assembly, which oversees them by control of their budgets as well as direct resistence, steming from the fact that, as mentioned, a high fraction of the population/society is represented at the assemblies

    • different kinds of commissions

      • the spokespepople of factions hold a commission, or mandate, invested in them by their faction, which can be removed from them at any time

      • commissions responsible for ongoing projects oversee departments, standing committees, commessariats, etc

      • ambasadors, representatives on mission, etc serve to cross the orbits of more distant assemblies. 

        • as a maxim, ambasadors should publicly report to the assemblies, formally or informally, as much as possible, as opposed to responding only to the execuative/commissioners. 

        • in this sense, members of the assembly may be commissioners for their constituents, assemblies may be a committee on behalf of another assembly, the commission may create or become an aliance, etc

    • a commission may be responsible for cooperating mulit-laterally with different assemblies, in which case multiple commissioners will be drawn from each assembly, with day to day oversight of the operations rotating among the commissioners

  • Alliances

    • the organized form of factions, classes, groups with shared interests, identities, or projects. 

    • these may be inside, contain, be coterminus with, emenate from, overlap with, etc., assemblies, schools, guilds, commissions, etc.

    • they are the literal social material/fabric/sinew/self conciousness of politics, 

  • Communes, collectives, communities

    • groups of people who live, work, commute, grow food, research, study, et cetera under the auspies of the assembly of a university, acadamy, college, city, et cetera

Note that these are not so much seperate branches as repeating patterns of organs and organisms which are expirimentally designed in order to facilitate the projects/rights/freedoms/autonomy of the members of the alliance.

Note also that these organisms evolve as part of their process of reproduction of themselves and their constituent circumstances. the degree to which organisms can create effective alliances to evolve in conciously directed ways given their internal and external conditions is the degree to which political projects themselves are effective.