!What do demons do at Christmas?
🌓 Frumaire 2022
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♆ Perhaps the demons are gurrilla monks who have patrolled the hills and valies surrounding heaven, constantly competing with each other to outdo their monastic vigilance. many of the demons are left hand practitioners and therefore are covered in a thousand and one profanities, and must constantly ruin their climax, as it were, by not quite ariving at the inner site of the pilgrimage?
Perhaps they gathered around the manger because Christ’s touch could also liberate demons from humans, with whom they were often in codependent co-parasitic relationships, neither quite strong enough to kill off the other nor to release their own life. have mercy on us, give us a host at least, …
alms for the demons
Left Hand
The Prophet’s Left Hand
No Honor For Prophets
More Ghosts at the Feast
Angels Far From Heaven
Angels and Soviets
USSR and USA invade and occupy Heaven, which like Afghaanastan turns out to have been a stratigic blunder.