I’ve been thinking about how I would like to reorganize Ghost Traffic and what i want to be focusing on when I am posting here again regularly for just about couple months now,
We started Ghost Traffic as a space in which to excavate concepts, to pose anti-questions, to host works of art and theory we wanted to share or forget about and find again later. as a religious site, it is something akin to our personal shrine to Logos, the magician's workbench and sorcorer's table, the operating theatre of the zombified author, an altar to the spectre of communism, to lost futures and impossible horizons, …
Topics covered may include, but are not limited to: dialectical materialisms, hauntologies, Queer Gnosticisms, Revolutionary Practices, anti·schematic poetry, Xenosophies, Dreamancipation (formerly dreamcritique), political demonology, unhinged ravings, all manner of deviant and self-metabolizing disciplines.
Unfortunately we do not currently have a process to include content warnings on every article. Reader discretion is advised particularly for those sensitive to topics relating to: emotional, physical, and spiritual abuse; depression, OCD, dissociation, anxiety; self injury, suicide; heresy, blasphemy, profanity, idol worship, demonology.
A work of/against its time.
—In Omnibus Solidaritas,
The Brothers Brumaire
About the Writer
Ghost Traffic is a collaborative project by the Brothers Brumaire. Updates are posted from the middle of a high desert located somewhere in the Unincorporated Zone between The End of History and the End of the World. There are no pan-Asian supermarkets in the known vicinity.
collaborate | abort | author
Frequent including but not limited to the voices inside my head, the voices inside your head, the moments of silence which may or may not be the voice of G-D, the warnings of angels, the stirrings of prophecy, the screaming of the economy, the voice of a voiceless world
The works of The Mountain Goats, Marx, Yeshuah the Nazarine, Phillip K Dick, Ursula K LeGuin, Octavia Butler, DFW, Acid Horizon, and a clamoring of whatever else i may be reading lately i shamelessly steal from, since they are better writers then me and I need the help. Copious thanks are hereby offered; apologies for misrepresentation, haughtily denied; release from responsibility for any errors commited on my part stratigically withheld.
the Brothers Brumaire,
Questions? Comments? No cure has yet been developed for these painful afflictions, but if you have contracted this condition and wish to infect others, Zach can be reached here. Or, simply overthrow a reactionary-bourgeois government and use the phrase “Levitating Syndicalist Dominion” in your declaration of real existing communism.
! turn meta into blog
! No Thanks section (anti aknowledgements)