Those that took the forceful path include New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, who skewered Trump at April’s Gridiron dinner as “fucking crazy,” adding, “I don’t think he’s so crazy that you could put him in a mental institution. But I think if he were in one, he ain’t getting out!”
abolish the economy*
be gay, eat God*
be gay do crimes
become incomprehensible*
become ungovernable
become impossible*
a better world is Immanent*
be the conspiracy you wish to see in the world
the law is illegal
the old is dying, the new cannot be born (this is the time of monsters)
are prisons obsolete?
under the asphalt, the desert!*
no cops, no prisons, no linear fucking time
Queer love Queer power
sabotage is sexy*
believe in a smiling god
Yeshua was a Political dissident <>< executed by the state*
profit is a jealous god*
the gods must be addicts*
who were you *3 when you were us
kill the middle manager inside your head
¡Vivamos! *
long live the CHAZ *
the revolution is in your midsts (Luke 17:21)*
blessed are the hungry, for they shall Eat the Rich*
embrace the unknown known*
kill the Marvel supercop™ inside your head*
drop acid not bombs
wearing pants is satanic*
rent revolt!
traverse yourself*
become your own inoculate
we aim to terrorize* (waiter with a bottle of wine/Molotov cocktail
Mwister terrorist can i have some more*
we disturb (spanish)
life is disturbing
we aim to disturb
aim to disturb
dark Deleuze
"make thought a war machine" -D&G
"existence is [the result of] a disaster"
"[learn [how] to] become contrary" DD
"always perversify"
make total negate
make total orgasm
deferral has been deferred!
bureau of public secrets
occupy everywhere
most don't die because they're already dead
don't beg for the right to live--take it
the liberation of humanity is all or nothing
no replastering, the structure is rotten
masochism today takes the form of reformism
reform my ass
run, comrade, the old world is behind you!
In any case, no regrets!
Don't liberate me--I'll take care of that
Let the people serve themselves!
WARNING: ambitious careerists may now be disguised as "progresives"
Politics is in the streets
Hope comes from the hopeless
Never work
Workers of all countries, Enjoy!
one normal weekend is bloodier then a month of total revolution
(We are all Palestinians)
we are all "undesirables" / ("deplorables")
Be Cruel/Lets be Cruel
Hide yourself, object!
Live without dead time
poetry is in the streets
The most beautiful sculpture is a brick thrown at a cop's head
I am a Groucho Marxist
coming soon to this location: charming ruins
Imagination is not a gift: It must be conquered
Alcohol kills. Take LSD
Form dream committees
Answer with Questions
The walls have ears. Your ears have walls
I suspect God of being a leftist intellectual
Total orgasm
make total orgasm
You can't buy happiness--Steal It [Instead!]
Happiness is hanging your landlord
(happiness is boiling a billionaire
(happiness is strangeling a drone pilot while he sleeps)
The future will only contain what we put in it now
The economy is wounded--I hope it dies
You too can steal
How sad to love money
Write Everywhere
I don't know how to write but I would like to say beautiful things and I don't know how
It is forbidden to forbid.
slogans of 68
most don't die because they're already dead
power to the imagination!
death to tolerance
astral project
The economy is suffering, let it die
this world is intolerable
service with a scowl
means test my [shiny metal] ass
so much for the tolerant left (guillotine image)
all Gods are bastards
my back hurts
who trolls the trolls
another world is leaking through the cracks
abolish hell!
abolish work
who liberates/ed the liberators
demand utopia
who monsters the monsters
time travel
The government is being run by [/from] the future.
Time travel
time is a concept best left ....
time liberation force, Inter... Temporal Liberation Front, Interuniverse Temporal Liberation Front
the lottery is an institution/apparatus [designed to] catch time travelers
if G-d were real/existed it would be necessary to
abolish him
means test him
regulate him
privitize him <--
nationalize him
patent him
deport him--god as a political refugee from another metaverse
dissasemble him
try him for war crimes
prosecute him for the possession of illegal/federally regulated substances/drugs
incarcerate him for gang related violence
[the only lesson we learn from history is that it has no lessons to teach us]
_______ is dead and we have killed it
the author
The Novel
the zombie is Dead and we have revived it
Political Parties
The Anti Party--formed purely to oppose its own existence
The Pro-Anti-Party
The Political Party
The friends in the basement
People's/Central Committee for the Abolition of _______
death to/down with false questions
totalities are a false god
philosopher, theorize thyself!
psychiatrist, analyze thyself!
doctor, cure thyself!
fascist eat my shorts/eat three boots
theory is the point where the world breaks it's own ground
build Labor Temples
the marquis de'non
become monstrous
we are the monster(s) in/of/from the labyrinth of the Real
the turtle moves
(inflation bubble, worker power scythe/needle/knife)
society of shy ghosts
more process than category
brand/promote/diversify/capitalize thyself, object
peeing/pissing is a human right
brought to you by the society for throwing nickels at the poor
improve your community!/save the world!: mug a millionaire today!
dead cops are good cops!
not enough dead cops
just how much do we know about the moon anyway
I have concerns
graffiti > ________
Cthulhu : why settle for the lesser evil?
all power to the noxious fumes¡¡¡
feels [/tastes] like cursed knowledge -Michaelangelo
band name: (for flavor's sake)
get ur flu shot
lapsed back Catholic
you are forbidden
abolish etiquette
death to the normal
will there be a future for cops in the post zombie apocalypse
but if we didn't have cops, who would beat 40% of their wives ��
Bug Your Local ________ ��⚡, ����, ����, ��,
FBI/CIA field office
police precinct
Masonic Temple
Serve your community! kick a cop in the balls today!
some exist;— most don't. (-Micca)
be trans do crimes
we are all transgender now.
enjoy your degeneracy!
ashes to ashes, dust to dust, true light to false gods, ghosts to true ghosts to the ghosts of true ghosts
true light to true gods, true gods to false ghosts, ...
History is Dead and we have zombified it.
become schizophrenic
have u seen my missing part? [¿reverse]
have u seen my partial object?
astral projection: the next exciting development in the history of Drone-Warfare®©™!!
your mind is a symbiote/parasite about to hatch
Unlimited Liability ©®™ LLC:
unlimited liability: A Limited Liability Corporation
who occupies the occupiers? ����������
stop! stop/halt! this is no longer a place
politics is Dead and we have killed it
It is a crime to be a free person.... It is a sin to be --ai
all politics is
all politics is metaphysics
all politics is metapolitics
all politics is galactic politics
what else sounds like/smells like communism?
Cousins from Baltimore
Heretic Pride
Anarchy Summer/Anarchist Dance Party
The Pink Berets
Ghost Diplomacy*
Prophets from Tulsa
Exit to the Peace Corps. [Thanks Maddie!]
Fridays Forever (I prefer the angst of Thursdays Forever...)
Electric Sheep
Red Leather Yellow Fever (too soon?)
The Weird Hegelians
Le Morte de'Marcus
October Blue
Sophists for Hirfe/Sophists Like You*
When you were us
sons of brimstone
Red salt now!
Ten thousand lonely things
Pop-art Karate*
Midnight Dojo*
Communist Blue*
Yugoslavia First
Benches for Squirrels
1.1 gaGillian
Swine before pearls
Handlebar Marxists (muttonchops Marxists, side-burned Marxists, etc.)
Friends of Engles
Opposition Pink
Anywhere Bach
Calico Lemonade, Calico is the new Black, Calico Dance party, Calico First, Calico Blue [actually kind of pretty sounding] [all very bad] ---if I use these for a scene (friends coming up with band names, have them be really tired and just going back through old names and new ones adding calico...) Position Calico, Calico before swine
Profits from Pasco
Profts from Leningrad
dentistry toolmakers' union
Middle sibling syndrome
Levitating society disorder
Y Por Que No?
Jigsaw conspiracy
Kissinger's funeral
Reverse Necromancy
Reverse necrophilia
Electric Viagra
all dead generations
first as farce
Everybody's Understudy
Ludites for cocks
Up with arson
Up the stairs
bodies in spaces/bodies and spaces
Soundcloud Stalin
the other cousins (our/your other cousins)
Hegelian dance party
same emperor (phrase someone said about some historical thing, possibly me referring to the preservation of power through succession crises, coups, revolutions, etc)
ghost traffic
temples like these
coffee for martyrs
third quadrant
antischematic gender
antischematic poetry
earthquake rent
rent for earthquakes
queen on the bench (equivilent to queen in parliament and queen in council)
no soap radio
free soap radio
radio free soap
undead cowboys
zombie algebra
band names 2
the mute and volpine
evidently;/, starfish
the shadow autocracy/oligarchy
dying for idiots (revolutions 7.31)
assembly of the damned
Seance Machine Soviet
Subcommittee on Being
ad hoc committee on Being
being and becoming
this is not a symbol
"what is a man? a miserable pile of secrets!"
Ragnar Redbeard
coffin political (quote from ragnar redbeard)
gods at a discount ("gods are at a discount--devils are in demand")
Bellingham, briefly
Profound Toast
prophetic beehive madness (dreaming bees)
impossible partisans
cryptid girraff elegy
legally Jesus
(we're) revoking your baptism
rats from the city
abstract beasts (a night for)
orchestral riot
(the) countable and uncountable
melancholic juice (M&C)
soapy fruit (M&C)
(an) invasion on paper
we the infinite dead
partisans of the void
extremely gifted sons
(a) girl named zombie
mammals all along
communists in the gazebo
boats without people
(the study of) sleeping people's conversations, the social life of dreams
somnotary -- notary in/of dreams
(new) debt jubilee
existential fuckboi
ghost jubilee
the new caprice
culture/al arsonist
arson for concepts
everyone (is) outnumbered
the wiring of the god (typo transcribing Borges "the writing of the God")
vagrant uteri collective
ALT / adorable little terrorists
conceptual arsonist
polar crocodile
corporeal surprise
anti economists/ics
the cracked heads
impossible principles
Nocturne(s) 5
flowers for coffee
masochist for burrocracy
late parrot (Monty python)
lesbite tendancies (a bit of fry and Laurie)
lispen crouch (a bit of fry and Laurie)
metaphysical store
perverse harvest
the fifth quadrant
structural suprise
scarecrow boat (from parks and rec)
infinite siestas (JLB)
wet corpse
zombie corn / moon noise / moon haze / zombie moon /corn noise (bananagrams)
Hegel's Beard (ie the beard he didn't have, or all the beards he didn't have, esp cause it seems like he should have one)
much exceeded ghost (marginalia)
the slut zombies (party conversation)
on the necessity of the occasional horse (w/Thomas)
accidental Bonzi
suprise tiger (Fi)
painting in the dark (album name)
notorious butterfly massacre
butterflies to massacre/slaughter
infinite tiger (JLB)
footnotes to the end of the world
to dabble/d at whales (Lem)
green apple acid
Mr. Lesbian (Fry and Laurie)
mystery lesbian
always evacuate (album name)
postponed/deferred/delayed evacuation
the brain witches (ze frank)
on the necessity of an occasional horse
elbow deep to prove a point
"and--why not--even, perhaps, God"/ perhaps God
smooth brain
retroactive baptism
crocodilian death spiral
miracle benders, from Sailing to Byzantium
a gang of deities, JLB
cosmetic lobotomy
Delaware Lesbians
bleach for the/your sync
rodents in the roots
trees with teeth--horror album name
lesser British accents
all ghouls militia (TMG style album/EP)
hyena by night (stolen from TMG)
"(are you joining your) austere crew(?)"--Isabella
brazen cows (Autumn of the patriarch)
"that chic Buddhist"
the tempered beast
practicing astronaut
flesh appendages
friends in the basement
List 3
ghost fever/ghost gender/fever gender
anonymous wolf
bubblegum wine
burning bush, (w)ro(gh)ting fruit
obnoxious vault
angry yogurt
Mycelium white -Michaelangelo
"a cruel harvest" hero of two worlds (/the)
the long feast (the mountain goats, the last Jedi)
hijacking the minutes
a field of beasts (quote)
toxin bells
nocturn(al) flesh
brain ambience
skull upholstery
three priest suit
(let's go to) The Bleach
bleeding owls
jonesing for milk
ass milk virtues
goats in their bunkers
2-sided owl
blood on the cheese
blame the bystander
syndicate vest (misheard "sin to confess") - Lent
The scam spectacular -- Society of the spectacle
velvet green
bone beads
little pools of gathering
the one eyed kings of Petrograd
broad amalgamation
slight of red hand
biblically sanctioned incest
monstrous regime
Marxist acid