πŸ“€πŸ‰ Dragonfish Day πŸ›žπŸ‰ 10 September 2023 🌘🌚 Blue Corn Moon πŸŒ½πŸ’  354 Fructidor CCXXXI πŸ‡ 9948 ⛩️




Governments built not out of a majority of a specific Congress, but rather the Congress would play host to governments the borders of which are constantly animated, as coalitions stich themselves.


Dukes and Marques, appointed by means of a lottery, perhaps, from the Congress, oversee geographic units which, though subdivadable, retain an ongoing

an aristocracy of merit by way of local democracy


The key is that it's a highly confederated system, a finely entwined alliance of non mutually overwhelmable factions.

the prince from the mountains where the ghosts live

a King regent, a court in exile, in a refugee camp


oracles and gods at random