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reading Perhaps The Stars


>Wow, you really jumped straight to divine rebellion, huh?


> Let's back up and examine some of the assumptions that underlie that.

let's not.

>i don't think scripture ever specifies that God invented the soul

In Genesis god breathes souls into adam (life, spirit, soul, all originate from breath)

>, but it is quite clear that they weren't the one who invented death.

they invented the world, they put Adam and Eve in the Garden and cursed them, they prevented them from eating from the tree of life, sounds like they invented death.

>Only if your assumptions lead you to frame it that way. Again, this sounds like evangelical thinking. I see it as God illuminating the path to immortality, for those who choose to follow it.

and yet if someone chooses not to follow the path, God would still be sending people to burn in hell forever.

hence my conclusion:

1. God does not exist, or

2. God does exist and does not send people to hell for being the wrong religion, or

3. God does exist and hell exists and God actively sends people to Hell and deserves to be overthrown, or

4. God does exist and hell exists and God has a way to help people avoid hell but passively let's people get sent to Hell to be tortured forever and should be overthrown, or

5. God exists, Hell does not, and God can prevent people from being extinguished forever but he actively or passively only chooses people from his religion to save, and should be overthrown, or

6. God knows of a method of reaching immortality but he doesn't have the discretion to keep everyone immortal because he didn't create the conditions of immortality, he's only illuminating it, as you say, in which case

6a. God is not the Creator of this part of the cosmos and someone else is, and that Hyper-God who decided you have to be a Christian to be immortal deserves to be overthrown, or

6b. No one made the path to immortality, God illuminates it, but the path itself because it requires someone to be a specific faith is just and the path itself deserves to be overthrown and replaced with something more just.



ugh, "progressive." it automatically implies so many teleological assumptions. and people who identify now or historically as progressive have such different notions of what is being progressed towards. it can mean a process of progress over time as opposed to an all at once transformation, and thus mean something rather conservative, or it can be as banal as 'i want to progress towards a better world' which bears under it's banal shadow the whispering of manifest destiny, or perhaps it's more dispensational, a celebration of social change, the expansion of rights and precedent and power, in which case it means something quite distinct and rather prefigurative


wizard sage priest utopian philosopher hermit hirophant heretic


i really like the idea of cultivating love, in my spiritual practice lately I've been trying to reintroduce my childhood love of fantasy and wizards and gods and spirits to my daily life by casting spells, like ceremonial magic, and love spells in the sense of invoking habits of care and thinking of in my case my partner and our cats and friends and the working class and our gods and our ghosts, has been something in thinking and journaling about, idk it's much better than stereotypical love spell were one tries to cause love in someone else


I'm engineering a love spell but it does something different, namely invoking, acting on, and making habits around my love for my boyfriend, our cat temple, my gods, myself, my blog, to store up and build around care.


might put up some chalk messages down town. there's a loading zone that doesn't have a lot of eyes on it but high traffic during the day, people taking out the trash and going on smoke breaks. the city and the local shop keepers keep the sidewalks clean of chalk.

idk it always means something to me when i see signs of other people in this conservativeass town who aren't




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