⛲🐉 15 Ultuary 2024

Orientation Doc:

in Steven Universe, there's fusion, and gems come undone if they disagree too much…

I want to suggest divisibility all the way down, or at least not clear cut parts, but you don't have the luxury of splitting into separate bodies, the physical body is an immanent prison, the mind is a panopticon, I am an occupied state….


🧿🔮Looking For ⛩️🧿🔮⛩️

Jesus Revolutionary Biography by Crossan

On Freedom


✨world building

an order of monks including Giralimo, Mycroft, Jesus, Judas,


conversations with my demons on liberalism’s relationship to madness


theory on Terra Ignota, Lent

on my third read through, currently at beginning of seven surrenders, been wondering if it makes sense to read it is that it's a simulation (re Jehovah's hosts letter) and maybe the Pythagorean set sets alluded to connect with the Mitsubishi set sets ideas about reincarnation and the gygies device is the tool which let's them go backward and forward editing timelines the way it lets regular people use it to switch their trackers

on my third read through, currently at beginning of seven surrenders, been wondering if the point is that it's a simulation re Jehovah's hosts letter and maybe the Pythagorean set sets alluded to connect with the Mitsubishi set sets ideas about reincarnation and the gygies device is the tool which let's them go backward and forward editing timelines

|| and that a la Jo Walton's Lent Mycroft is waking up across multiple lifetimes (as many as he stole from the Mardi Bash maybe?) trying this, or trying to redo that, playing the novels through this time delivering the utopians into the Mason's hands, then seeing the consequences of that and maybe in the next lifetime tries to jailbreak JEDD from MASON and delivering him to Ando or to Brill, but he learns that he's not the only one manipulating the timeline? idk but in my heart it's in the same world as Lent and the Gygies device and the Harrow are related together. ||


images from r/weddingattireadvice

would love to have robes like these


♀️✨ Rebel Angels Day 🌓🐺 Waxing Half Wolf Moon ♒ Aquarius🏺16 Ultuary 2024❤️‍🔥149 Pluviôse CCXXXII 🌧️ Day 10,108⛩️


☿️🗽 All Thieves Day 🌓🐺 Waxing Wolf Moon ♒ Aquarius🏺14 Ultuary 2024❤️‍🔥147 Pluviôse CCXXXII 🌧️ Day 10,106⛩️