♁ | 23 Vendémiaire CCXXXI | 14 October 2022 | 4 Gibbous Waning 🌖 | Reading Update


Most Recent Card: Obverse Ace of Wands

Yesterday we moved nearly everything in the apartment around to do a big sweep. I think going forward I want to synchronize sweeping and changing the cat litter. I got Matteo jelly beans as an apology gift, put up an art instillation on my room’s ceiling and cleaned out my dresser (the kittens really liked getting into the drawers), and got my gift card that was defective working again. I put up a bunch of Chad’s art on the walls, including some he hasn’t even noticed yet i think. i love our apartment so much. i’m worried about switching rooms but also it will be good to do a move that doesn’t involve the trauma of upending our entire lives and going elsewhere, hopefully we’ll find good systems.

my parents imparted the idea that materials don’t really matter, if you need a special planner or checklist or something to get a thing done then you’re just lazy and would waste the stuff if you had it, very protestant work ethic. i remember going to a boy scout eulogy and them talking about the guy always choosing to wake up in a good mood and feeling confusion and being impressed and trying unsuccessfully to brute force my way past my depression, which is how my father always handled his own ~monthly .. .. … dower moods. awful people, so proud that i escaped.

Tomorrow I think is the first of 4 days I work at the coffee shop. I didn’t get much writing done yesterday, I’m hoping to retroactively declare yesterday a cleaning day and make up for the writing today. at just 15:49 right now I think its going well so far, esp. cause i didn’t wake up till ~13:00 and didn’t get out of the shower till 13:55.


Radio Free Albemuth

Counter-Clock World

Clans of the Alphane Moon

The Man in the High Castle

So these are *some* of the books that are relatively high on my reading list/which i’ve read part of and want to return to. There’s still whole sections missing. In particular, I want to try to have a book of poetry and an anthology of short fiction going continually, those are both really good for clocking up little bits of reading progress.

!Add a Poetry Section

!Return some Audible books

!Add a Short Stories/Anthology Section

*Several Hours Later*

so this is a lot of data, think i;ll make this a recurring topic for dispatches, seems to be a good way to start.

-something that really hits home for me reading wise this year is the value of re-reading. i don’;t know if im to the immieidtely start over and reread even though i tried to i pretty much immiediately stopped after several attempts to reread

oh i also wrote a thing on Freewrites today, just earlier actually. this is 26:10 zach, i’ve got work a t 1300.

i’ve made today a writing day—actually in the freewrite theres some good evidience to me anyway i;m makign progress on generating work, and i think i’m going to ease up on like, trying to cooalate everythning. maybe at the end of this 15 day spread in the Daily Journal i could go and guestimate , but… idk still too early. lets get a little more into it then find something along the lines of X words to thesis… weekly? monthly? copy from earlier or generated new..,

yeah, i like the sound of that… hmm

do some thesis specific

ok theres a thesis tab, that’s a good starat. i’ll add this

! thesis quantifiables, maybe weekly/moon? ease into it tho, no need to crash the wall

thank you


what i’ve been trying to say for a while is that cutting was a kind of writing for me, and i want to explor the political implications of that. for example i feel contradictory and animousity with myself, over issues that are social, ie related to my friends, … and therefore political, and also i have relations within myself which are comprable to class relations, and gender politics, and so i’m curious about and would like to share certain pov insights around tthis specicifc case of subject formation, and maybe if i’m lucky say something interesting and profound and radical about politics and society and a call to action and a poem and love letter to the copyeditor encoded in all of the typos and misspellingss that i managed to catch but which is utterly thrown off by my horrible spelling in general lmao

i’ve been reading som good literature lately, namely 2—-2- an american football story, though i think for my own writing its often more lighthouse than object of mimicry

i like that, books as lighthouses

i think JMS would really like PSS. i think


posted in r/WholesomeFantasyArt by u/Ultartx

Reading Plans

I’m currently at 46/52 books read this year. 88% complete, 12% or 6 books left to go.

There’s 21% of the year left (79 days) / 286 days complete, or 78.35 over.


Actively Reading: Fiction

Collected Fictions (Borges)

15 stories, whole or in part, left to read. I want to get this book (which I began my first year of undergrad and returned to around the first summer of Covid, summer 2022) finished by October. There are 17 days left and I think I want to make it last until Halloween and I like reading before my shifts while drinking coffee.

Political Philosophy

On Guerilla Warfare, Mao

Politics of Piety, Mahmood

Debt: The First 5,000 Years, Graeber

Assembly, Hardt & Negri

The Society of the Spectacle, Debord

Magical Marxism: Subversive Politics and the Imagination, Merrifield

There is No Unhappy Revolution: The Communism of Destitution, Tarí

The Coming Insurection, Le Comité Invisible

Cruel Optimism, Berlant

How the West Came to Rule, Anievas & Nişancıoğlu

The Order of Things, Foucault

Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Deleuze & Guattari

Spectres of Marx, Derrida

Caliban and the Witch, Federici

Why is there No Labor Party in the United States?, Archer


The Four Loves, Lewis

How to Win a Cosmic War, Aslan

From Goddess to Mortal, Shakya & Berry

Buddhist Nuns and Gendered Practice, Salgado


Invisible Cities, Calvino

Autumn of the Patriarch, Garcia Marquez

One Hundred Years of Solitutde, ibid.

Perdido Street Station, Miéville

20020: An American Football Story, Bois

Black Sun, Roanhorse

Midnight’s Children, Rushdie

The Golden House, ibid.

The Satanic Verses, ibid.

Infinite Jest, Wallace

Jury Duty, Cawdron

The Many Daughters of Afong Moy, Ford

Ideas Are All Around, Stead

The Ministry for the Future, Robinson

Bats of the Republic, Dodson

The Amber Spyglass, Pullman


Time of the Magicians, Eilenberger

A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Harvey

Jesus the Magician, Smith

Hell of Presidents, Christman & Wade

The Templars: The Rise and Fall of God’s Holy Warriors, Jones

The Dawn of Everything, Graeber & Wengrow

Revolutions: The Haitian Revolution, Duncan

Orientalism, Said

The Jakarta Method, Bevins

Mesmerissm and the End of the Enlightenment in France, Darnton


This is the copy i have! _Rielzz

! draw from here if desired for writing email expllaiining my project

vpp cpp; cpp[pollkooo voo cpp; vpp cpp cc c[o cool vooo vppp cpppp vooo lol

ok going to pivott to night, sleep, got work at 1:00, want to read borges and sip my espreso before knocking out a big 6 hour 15 to maybe 7 or 8 hour shift who knows i don’t but prob 615, thats 90 bucks which, thats not very much, thats not even a quarter of my rent, not even an eighth of rent for this studio apartment . ppppfkfk

still, i’ve got 4 days instead of the 2 a week theve been giving me


! reading subsections already begun, start making lists of sections rather then lists of books to expiriment with pantheons


The Brothers Brumaire

Ghost Traffic is a collaborative and contradictory effort on the part of the Brothers Brumaire, a collective which knows that there can be safety in numbers and multiplicity in lies.


☸︎ | 26 Vendémiaire CCXXXI | 16 October 2022 | 🌗 Minus 1


♂️ | 20 Vendémiaire CCXXXI | 11 October 2022 | Waning 🌖 Gibbous