⛲⚓ Anchorday 🎃 05 October 2023 🌗 Shading Harvest Half Moon 🧅 014 Vendémiaire CCXXXII 🍷 9973 ⛩️
baking soda spell on water bottle
work was pretty mellow. knee is feeling better
reading Seven Surrendors, Palace of Dreams
thrift store tomorrow, 4:30
Too Like The Lightning “you'd have to love someone a lot to hurt yourself like this”
The Buzzard's Egg, betrayal and liberation
the violence of the self, self discipline, to preserve the self always already entailing self sacrifice
read Foicault’s care of the self, politics of piety
How much to ransome a God
feeling overwhelmed, how to sit down and write such a big thing, surely i have nothing to say at all
still shook by the pure evil of Hank Green’s “i don't care who gets rich off of addressing climate change”
really enjoying The Palace of Dreams
htperfocused on minesweeper today