🧿🧵 Feast of the Repairing Eye 🌖🦅 Eagle Moon ♓Pisces🐟 26 Ultuary 2024❤️‍🔥🌹158 Ventôse CCXXXII 🌬️🎐 Day 10,117 ⛩️

ear pain getting worse. stupid American healthcare industry.

wish I had closure re Robin.

got help with interpreting my Full Moon Spread 🌕🎴

read a bit in a bunch of books yesterday. hoping to read more today.


copies of Terra Ignota

in Terra Ignota violence is repeatedly down to be a language. some examples

~Mycroft wishing the censor has the legal right to hit him to make meaning of the restraint

~erotic violence with Saladin

~Dominic and Saladin writing and reading in torture sign

~Manipulation of the reader, proslatory theological violence…


want to write an academic history style account of the Bridger OS Canner Device Land Sanctum Violation War.

it's such a risky ritually richly plotted book. a masterpiece.





♀️🩸 Martyrsday 🌖🦅 Eagle Moon ♓🐟 Pisces 🌹1 March 2024 🌬️🎐 CCXXXII 🌁 Day 10,1?? ⛩️


🌅🦁 Witches' Sabbath 🌕🦅 Eagle Moon ♓Pisces🐟 25 Ultuary 2024❤️‍🔥🌹157 Ventôse CCXXXII 🌬️🎐 Day 10,116 ⛩️