♀️🔮 Shadesday 10 🧜🏾♂️Neptunius 2023 ☁️ Shadowing Fog Moon 🌘 🦂Scorpio ♏ 050 Brumaire CCXXXII 🌁 10,009 ⛩️
climate change will be extreme. climate refugees will be a global phenomona.
i hope there will be a strong movement to pool resources around climate shelters so that people can share ac in the summer, warmth in the winter, shelter all year round.
such shelters will inevitably be attacked by fascists and capitalists, so in addition to buildings and electricity we will need our own defensive forces, which hopefully we can leverage against the state and corporations, to occupy empty mansions and warehouses and turn them into mass shelters like the Autonomous Nation of Anarchists and Libertarians.
the challenges of climate and rising prices will make the nuclear family too wasteful; only the rich and conservative will be able to afford surviving on the income of just one or two people. queerness and social living will appeal more to everyone else .
political parties wishing to capture or overtake the state may be able to take off in some places, but by buying into the state infrastructure they will inherit many of its limitations and constitutive evils. i don't believe that nation states are capable nor inclined to address climate change nor the international corporations which are causing it. anti state orientated politics will attempt to fill the gap.
secession movements will probably continue for a long time. as long as nation states remain the guard dogs of capital they will continue to alienate most of their population.
the rise of rentism, monopoly, and inherited wealth may see a reorganizing around technofeudal or patron-client based economies, which could provide a new base of power for elites to compete with each other outside of the state and markets.
secularism is already it's own kind of religion, and in 100 years i think it will have split and evolved. new hybrid faiths and ideologies mixing liberal secularism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Marxist Leninism, folk religion, and any number of other influences will develop into a different horizon of possible ideological alignments. we will see religion use new and old technologies in unfamiliar ways, probably accompanied by large contradictory reactionary responses which will create new imaginary golden ages out of the 20th and early 21st century, as well as much earlier.
to the extent that there's currently a secular consensus among the North Atlantic Powers, i think that consensus will diminish and this bloc will crumble as India, Africa, East Asia, and other blocs establish themselves as alternative partner-rivals. the Francophone and Anglophone worlds seem to be declining, and in one hundred years I suspect we'll have a more complex, uneven knot of global superpowers.
surviving in such a world will require it's own political projects with both old and new modes of organizing. providing for oneself and one's allies, defending your coalition, undermining the coalition of your enemies, and recruiting new members and resources will continue to be necessary.
then again, we might all be dead.