Ghost Traffic

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🌅🐉04 Ultuary 2024 🌹

slept late, more unsettling dreams, choking and heartburn in my sleep


lethargy, as often happens Sundays for me, and I was up till 7am last night


change litter

cats’ dinner

type more


reading neoliberalisms’ demons



🌅🐉 04 Ultuary 2024

the way you address obsessive compulsive spirals isn't by barrating someone when their rituals don't work for needing to use rituals: the solution is rituals that help.

there is a demon in my head who says that all you need is to will your way through. the will is great at taking a suffering head on and subjecting yourself to it's raw pathos, but it's not so great at creativity, or learning new skills, or relationships, or being calm, or having fun. indeed, it may be predisposed to hating them, since hypertension prefers to have an object.

we recognize that we relate to things by personifying and think that means we have transcended it.

to be is to suffer, and the elimination of suffering is through the elimination being, through the recognition that one does not exist, the annihilation of the self.

laceration has allowed me to enact, over periods of minutes and hours and months and years, the sacred destruction of modules and networks and subroutines and looping feedback chains which are the coridores of my embodied, enacted self as much as my veins and nerves are.

the production of such subjectivities relates to itself in a social, political way and is also embedded in a socio-political context and is also reflective of social political dynamics. Carl Schmitt's Concept of the political and political theology are exemplary here, relating to both Hobbes' leviathan and Plato's soul-city paracosmos. Laceration appears (4?) times as being to the self as civil war is to the city, not classically political so much as a rupture in the ordered process of politics, a failure of a political process, in the absence of which a new polity may or may not emerge, if it can effectively demarcate an external enemy. a process which continues to identify the enemy within, to be unable to make the division between friend, then it is not so much a null state, no politics found here, as it is a short circuiting of the political.

you cannot mend a short circuit. mending may be involved, but by definition the problem is that the circuitry is too little meditated, at once live and cut off from the device by means of a shorter path leaving the device of the pilgrimage, the mediation which ought to stand between the battery's subject and object, alone and empty and high and dry.

conversely, you create a short circuit by mending, by connecting here to there. mend X to Z and you cut out Y. regulation, refuge, rupture, refusal, return, revenge,

the enemy of my enemy has wire taped my head.


Training Montage, the Importance of Revenge


Historical Context of Lesser Evilism


Commissions may be joined, opposed, observed, or declined.

a set of parties might vote against a commission but still remain a component of it, or the ambassadors may declare the constituent communes, syndicates, etc no longer subject to the commission, neither receiving it's services nor submitting to it's directives. Thus Ambassadors and Tribunes wield vetos of different kinds: the Ambassador can opt out, while the tribune can block from within.

what then of the philosophers? they work at the policy development level, on the principle that a collective cannot self govern simply by choosing between the options which some elite class chooses for them, but must be able to deliberate upon ideas which bubble up from its discourse, it's collective consciousness. the philosophers can cross associations and assemblies and commissions, operating through their schools to pose questions, challenges, expiriments, invocations. their schools may be invited to participate in the development of proposals, agenda setting, structuring debate, nominating delegates to take the lead in forming and proposing a commission, administering programs as part of a commission, and reviewing the performance of programs for the purpose of reporting to their deliberating members.


assembly: everyone involved, all the members of a commune or republic or union

congress: representatives or members of collectives which have chosen to associate without dissolving their internal structures, including the right to deassociate

commission: the executive of the whole of the Congress, or those parts which subscribe to it? the Commission might only get that fraction of the Congress’ resources as those members who put themselves under it.

school: a network of philosophers, their disciples, apprentices accolytes journeymen masters ?,