🔯 29 Brumaire CCXXXI 19 November 2022 #DB4826
playing around with site theme colors. want to go with something lighter for a little while, still into #0AE38E and want to bring in #DB3826, but i also like this current grey (#F5F4F5) actually a very pale violet i guess?
watched Andrewism’s video on guillotines, soured on the reductive analysis, imo, of the Jacobins, an insufficient theory of power in general and state power in particular. idk tho. i’ve heard parts of his podcast interviews and videos before and been turned off, i think there’s something constitutionaally antianarachistic whichc i probabaly need to unpack atsomepoint
2 nights ago up till 4 making holidays and calendar plans and last night uup till 6 doing a big sweep, some dishes, moving my desk back for space efficiency purposes (don’t like it as much, too dark, too pressed up against the wall i think, doesn’t flow, but itss ok that i put it like this for now cause it was helpful in cleaning…
Wishlist : more rugs.
i’ve been not getting to writing till late if at all, but tonight i have a pretty clear evening. and its only 1135 right now so yeah i think i’ll do some breathing exercises cardioethetics? and stretching and then try to do …
pantheon object study
Benjamin journaling
13 theses
drug of the self (…)
… … … …
Reading Jounral set up
Wish List set up
Lent Journaling
Notebook processing (orange)
Taping down notes
bath blogging
posideon throne is a bath
Siva contemplative orgasm
a marquise from the 2400s
techno feudalism? or State
the cult of Reason
water flowing pipes
Free write
the author as god
god is in the lens distortion
a god in the dark
interesting. “it means just what it says.” the transperacy of the text. and yet just after that, the prophets don't
application? interpretation? God Ă s correction to lens distortion. vanishing point
Jesus and 12 disciples killed and resurrected,
Judas tracking Jesus down
Jesus tracking Judas down
Jesus' Revenge
! take meds
! brush teeth
! do dishes