*Essays* 🔱🌩️
Essays The Witches’ Lottery
Catcher [!Sigil] [ /
Broom Day
Gloom Day
Sex DayGray Day
Hex DayFaye
Votive Lottery
Votive Voting
The project of Witch Communism
Socialist Covens
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Zęphyrįm Zëbąstián Xåçhäríàh Brümäīrė
catfish god of sacred sleep
monk with the head of a catfish
catfish whiskers, koi pond, water, peaceful, gold scales, bronze green eyes and fins, dark blue water, curls of incense, temple of rest
Princess Knight Queen King
Ambassador Commissar Tribune
!Coallate with other essays; Triple Title
!An Essay On ;
Bullet Journal as Soul, extended mind thesis
Princess Knight Queen King
Ambassador Commissar Tribune Host
Ransom For A Hostage God
Ex Urbe Ad Astra: Old Lions Become New
{Weird-day, Hex Day, Toad Day, Day, Broom Day, Gloom Day, Cat Day, Bat Day, Rat Day, Bag Day, Prey Day, Faye Day, Say Day, Sex Day, Nex Day, Gray Day, Soon Day, No'on Day, To Day, Rue Day,
You Day.}]
A God who might know anything.
Not Omniscience but Possible Knowing.
Aristocracy Lottery? No, & a Witch Lottery
Praise the Shapes and Then Praise the Way They Change
an emperor who sits on a mat, or a bridge for a throne, a barge, an arc, in a ring of fire, labrynth written in chalk, dreamt by the prisoner in the Tower, drawn with a Unicorn’s Horn.
Ambassador Commissar Tribune Mediator Councilor
Hour Glass, Horn, Wand, Orb, Lantern, Fountain, Bell, Incense, Wheel, Yarn, Disk
golum production and alienation
golem ghost djinni siren
The little story about Witch’s vs Witches’ apostrephe