♆ | 23 Nivôse CCXXXI | 12 January | 🌖

like the words of an oracle caught on a wraithful tempest gale.


Dimitri and i are adding a kitten to our household as Dimitri's brother's cat was too aesmatic to be in the same room as the kitten. he's already really making friends with Fox. Shadow seems to have hltapped out of play before i woke up at 16:20ish but watched Fox and Frank play, Oscar isn't thrilled, he has a hard time socializing a lot. mood.


we picked up Matteo's meds and i got chips,

Tomorrow o have Mr. Williams’ doctor appointment and bloodwork.

i want to pick up more espresso beans.

last two nights I've have big organizing days, i made huge progress on the drawers of two no 3 dressers. i processed some art too, and tools.

my desk will need attention.


i did an Xercize yesterday and i want to organize that area more.





♀️| 13 January 2023 | 24 Nivôse CCXXXI | 🌖


☿ | 22 Nivôse CCXXXI | 11 January 2023 | 🌖