Alt History, Xiomara Buendia

Xiomara Buendia is a representative to the Federal Congress representing a Latinx community in the southwest. She is a member of the Syndicalist Party, part of the Left Caucus, on the Public Health and Foreign Affairs Committee who argues for the establishment of a lottery assembly.

like many Spanish descendents, she is a practicing Solar Buddhist, a fusion of Buddhism, Latin and Hellenistic religion, Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Egyptian mystery cults which originally gained prominence as an offshoot of the Sol Invictus Cult in the 200s BC

in this timeline California is in ovulated by Zhang He and the colonization of the West stops at the Rockies. The Hotonoshone Confederacy and the US compete for hegemony in the Mississippi Sea. The Civil War is a naval war been the slave holding planter class interested in expanding their holdings in the Caribbean and Mexico, while the North is orientated towards manufacturing.

The Incan empire never falls, but it is the Empire of Brazil is the strongest singule power in the Americas. the Panama Sea links the Atlantic and Pacific, allowing for Brazil to much more easily project power as far as California. The emperor is deposed but flees and raises an army of slaves in exchange for general abolition and makes use of a British like policy of outlawing the slave trade in the Americas.

When Steward and Lincoln are elected Consuls the South attempts to overthrow the federal government.

Reconstruction includes self determination for the black belt, the Hotonoshone, Cuba, and other indigenous groups. Parts of Louisiana secede and rejoin the restored French Orleanists.

Labor Temples have a tradition of hosting assemblies chosen by allotment for purposes of divination. during the civil war spiritualism in New Amsterdam and Brazil, the Ghost Dance, and Santa Muerte become popular.


Surrealist Government, Alt History


Government by SATs