Semiannual Book Review

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Some Interesting Books I’ve Read So Far This Year

Initially I had planned to publish a list in December detailing some of the more interesting books I’ve recently read. However, we’re just under half-way through the year I’ve already encountered some great texts which I would rather discuss while they’re still fresh in my mind. So without any flourish, here are six books I’ve found moving/funny/thoughtful/frustrating/insightful/inciteful thus far into 2021.

Paper Menageries

The Collected Schizophrenias

The Mushroom at the End of the World

The Futurological Congress (also mention Star Diaries, His Master’s Voice, Lem generally)

Nazi Literature in the Americas (also mention Borges, meta-textuality)

Daughter of Fortune


Letter of Resignation


Fragments on the notion of “everyone”