Maagical Elections


Missions and Rituals. I like temples, i like spaces with import and process, i like silence, i like wizards and martial arts, i had decidedly orientalist taste in fantasy and religious life even growing up an Episcipol-Catholic. We were Catholic too, and the Catholic Churches have their magicians and their spells, all i had to do was be ultra-orthodox in my herisies. Eventually I apostated. I find I can do more out here, perhaps even more good for the Churches, from this vantage point. some vaulted craig in Hell. Hell too has its temples, its sanctifications. i expect Mircea will enjoy touring them during is stay. We all burn in Hell, some of us just make a religion out of it. I want to reread The Sacred and the Profane, maybe yes maybe I’ll pair it with capitalist realism. g o o d christmas reads. and Spectres of Marx, yeah. I’m still not done with Borges, and I’m not going to stress to finish by November. I consider this a reading vacation. I’ve surpassed my reading goal for the year and i am continuing to surpass it, and for these two months i’m liberally getting back into visible reading rather than audible reading. even copying out passages by pen and keyboard, per Benjamin’s exhortation. missions and rituals have a kind of asymmetrical contrast pivoting around the temple. the going out, maybe to preach, to perform miracles, to carry out commissions.

i like pilgrimages and prophecies, every object in my room is a little god or a little temple or a relic, a shrine, a sacrament, a ceremony. these necesitate all kinds of missions and rituals—missions to deliver the elephant lighter from the deep recesses of my cot behind the Blue Swaying Cliffs and the Greater Black Pagoda and the the single highest rise, where the green and yellow suns sink into the carmelized shadows, to raise it to the highest keep of the pagoda of that lesser, latter, higher sun, to the wicker monetary not unlike the retreat of the President in Autumn of the Patriarch, where most preceious stones meditate upon the dialectics of the age.

my recent missions have included a ritual of mirrors and cats lately, tongith both Sevastapol and Daphodil sat on the mirror for the first time! Sebastopol especially has been quite supersticious towards the mirrors, puffing up and stomping at this one and displaying great d... … … … … dismay   when it elicited her own retreat. Oscar remains even mesmerized, but conservative in her expirimentation, prefering to watch Neopolion and Dostoyvesky, Hugo and Metterniche, trade point and sentry

a cat made out of void runs by a temple and a young godling chases after it instead of weeding the sinners from the saints in the heat of the gardens, trampling over stone paths walked but once in 10,000—in this case, 20,6++89 years/lives of a mortal/lives of a god/lives of a God and vaulting absolute boundaries of hedge mazes and skiping shadowmass despite being one of only two altos responsible for tonight’s hymn of the eclipse, and you know the other one is a elderly angel whose wheels squeak and gears skip if xhnge must sing alone.

an election is both a ritual and a mission, a magical ritual and a mission. some sacraments must be performed or else the world will end—of fail to end on time this is the case for liberals, for whom every election is simultaniously the single most important election of our lifetime, if not the history of the country, if not the history of the world. but it is also, especially in the united states, where our constituion sets forth the hitherto history and perpetual schedule of all federal elections until the running down of time, it is a carefully pre- and proscribed ritual, an empty signifer to hold the n place for political struggle, presumed to be in abstractia hollowed out, open, a format to be filled in with the historical material detritius of each present day. if one is lucky said format gives itself as an object of historical analysis, a political operation in its own right, 

❖ The People are a Schizophrenic God ❖

a God moving in many dirrections and declaring hautily their mutually exclusive collective priorities (see the Condorcet paradox) as understood by political scientists who take up this and that cause or question from electoral theology. this view of politics is structural, modern in the sense of systematic, datic, electric, circulating, saturated, positive. Perhaps it is schizophrenic to read in the first place.

(I want to re-read The Collective Schizophrenias in conjunction with Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Perhaps I can start a reading group?)


! publish

! journal: checklist, plan next day, etc.

! read

! icecream

! Look into a Thousand Plateus, Colective Schizophrenias reading group. 

Magical Election: choose 2 senators and N representatives from among and by the imprisoned, the poor, the occupied, etc. mock and hollow and repurpose democratic rituals made strikingly recognizable precisely in being so radically reimagined

Magical Spells, Sigils, Chalkings against and for certain processes and rituals. colectives, surrealisms, decision making operations, “the collective is also a body”, … … … …

Election protests, Referenda movements. through petitions and art and circulation of information and organized technologies of the self…

“Vote Every Day” a permanent ballot box, grievances read out regularly, …


Elections, Lotteries, Assemblies (literal meaning of church), Commissions. election as a ritual, a magic spell, to get a group of people to simultaneously put in input, make a designation, and (participate in?) announcing that designation

compare contrast, elections as the medium of the mediumless manifestatiion of the general will.


Reading Group Podcast

Objectives: Maintain Long Distance Friendships, Maintain Close Reading Practices, Develop Podcast Making Skills, Develop Interview Skills

Possible Guests:

BP, OG, MT, JS, HP, JF, SC, … … …. … …. …. …. …. …. …. … … …. … …. ..

Possible Texts:

First 15 Lives of Harry August (for a great conceit gone bad), Capitalism and Schizophrenia and the collective Schizophrenias, Demon Days reads (which I think should be an addition to my calendar) esp. Lent, Bartimaeus, …; maybe some liberation theology with RR

First Steps:

  • Voice record testing

  • get better aux cord

  • discuss a book and record it

  • youtube channel

❖ “ghostcast”, …


! Look into a Thousand Plateus, Colective Schizophrenias reading group. 

more popularly chosen commissioners , rather than an execuative prisim filtered through a singular point re. the Neo-Absolutism Nuclear Monarchy.

❖ the jury in my head ❖


Theses on Impossible Humanism


Abolish Election Day!