The Democrats are the Conservative Party Par Exallance
The Democratic Party is the most conservative party
It runs as if it believes the Republicans aim to be a conservative party whose votes come from conservative voters
therefore whenever the Republicans violate the etiquette of conservative statesmanship--the sacrosanctity of the Republic's institutions, the fixed cycle of elections, the old and hollowed out promises and class compromises, the sensitive disdain for open corruption and violations of the Law,--
the Democratic party rushes to fill in the space and outflank them from the preservationist wing of the regime.
they are patronial, granting gestures at meaningful reforms more to incite a paternal love between voter and candidate than to create a coalition of shared material interest, because the failure to materialize can always be blamed on the other party, the exorcision from government of which always takes precedence over
it would be more honest to call our parties the Anti Republicans and the Anti Democrats, so much is the insistence on the negation of a feared alternative, and the happy fixation on the maintenance and extension and application and accumulation of the status quo.
thus to demand progressive change in the direction of a redistribution of wealth and power outside of the formula already in place is not only to make noise that could alienate the donner class, it upsets the rhetorical tenure of a campaign which otherwise proposes a whole social strategy of selling the maintenance of the Now as cheaply as possible, thereby undercutting any radicals who would also offer to fight against the degenerated conservative for the soul reason of being degenerate, while at the same time enforcing all their policies--Biden's recuperation of Trump's border policies in particular.
by making the soul dimension of political choice the question of Sanctity versus Degeneracy and otherwise conforming to their opponents policies which would leave the old one institutions and nicities in tact, the Democrats request a mandate which gains donners but alienates voters, who might be more inclined to vote at all if one or both parties promised even modest changes in the redistribution of wealth and power.
such allianated voters become the scapegoat for why candidates lose when the lose and why they win by narrow margins when they win at all. that such voters have minimal influence on the dynamics of the race, not even tilting on candidate or the other because they don't vote by definition, is absurd and therefore ideal--because unlike the candidates and lobiests and celebrity fundraisers who do have an impact on policy development and therefore are the responsible parties, win or loose, non-voters are neither organized nor mobilized to strike back, and can be safely made responsible and therefore blameable when one candidate they didn't vote for loses to another candidate they didn't vote for. the Democratic Party is the Party of angels, the non-voters are the traitorous neutrals
insert zap Branigan quote
why does the party not simply dissolve the electorate?
a Congress of the non-votersn might be able to tell us what would make them vote, such as a party that speaks to their desires, or simply a paid day off from work to vote, but the Democrats have not so much a counter theory as a counter theology, a counter demand: they will vote by becoming a more moral, virtuous, civicly minded mode of people, and the only way to practice and actualize such a quality is by calculating the profit of a vote for a lesser evil.
for the Democratic Party, political morality is a right way of suffering, a suffering more conducive to the patron-client relationship which ensures that your Sacrosanct aristocrats remain at the helm of the empire and thereby keep the degenerate aristocrats out as office, on the very sound convention that the election of their enemies represents the end of the world, and which occurs approximately 50% of the time.
such righteousness ensures that anyone who questions the viability of such a stance, in the immediate term or over multiple elections can be labeled a sympathizer of the devils to be safely driven out of the coalition into that maximally blameable, maximally disenfranchised legion of non voters.
I think that the Conservatives who seek to maintain the playing of this game represent more foundational obstacle to social change precisely because the contract of their coalition regards all social change other than the accumulation of the status quo as either degenerate or risking degeneracy, a game where the donners have already cast their dollars and all the moves left to us is how and whether to vote.
we will not be able to counter the game itself and not just the more evil of it's players until we take power for ourselves, which means collectively withholding our cooperation when our demands are not met, which means we need to be able to collectively recognize our capacity to do so.
if this were a simple majority election I would hope to see Biden elected by the narrowest possible margin.
as it is, I hope his popular vote total subscedes Trump's, that a record low number of voters cast their vote for one of the two major partie
s, and that third party votes swell.