democratic surrealism: utopian experimentation

elections but not just elections. personally i would like to see expirimentation with combinations of elected representatives with instant recall-and-proportional representation plus a lottery based representation system plus direct democracy wherever practical, use of digital tech to have referenda monthly or weekly to make every law subject to popular review, and council communism, syndicalism, and for that matter surrealist in nature.





theoretically speaking i guess I'm an anarcho-gnostic, a scientific utopian, as much a revolutionary as one who wants to invent new social games, write the world new scripts and stage directions. and i have a very surrealist attitude towards authority, i think it ought to be passed around like an exquisitecorpse, and let the internal organs of democracy act through a variety of poses, of ensambles, of artistic and thematic movements. lol


Borges China




Abolish Election Day!


Tarot is a Machine