Workers’ Irrealist Survey №3

i would ask it about the things it finds contradictory in it's world

a kind of organic radio which broadcasts telepathic messages at an unconscious frequency. this phenomona is known as nightmares

i like the idea of an astral plane as a limenal space. i think I might be one of the transitory rings of hell, but a hell where the demons are organizing unions to overthrow the archdevils. we're a fly over circle of hell, not a lot of electoral votes, where the souls spend most of their time being accused of jaywalking on streets with baroque uninteligeable cross walks and smuggling memories back and forth between the future and the past

i am the mitochondria, powerhouse of the cell, and i want to fill myself up with good vibes with the organelles and organs around me. of course to do that we will need to abolish capitalism


Applesauce, Nox, Bill, and Countess Dandylion


Solidarity With All Our Hungry Ghosts