References Outline

Outline: History


  • Early History of interest and harm (History: The body of the Madman. Philosophy: The Enemy of my Enemy, Politics: Can the Madman Speak)

    • Foucualt

      • unreason as a moral category before economics

        • at the same time, being put to work also had to be productive, primitive accumulation

      • conflation of unreason

      • scandal of unreason, circus of madness

      • the body--stronger more resilient, the ice cure

      • humors, fluids, diagrams

      • affirmation of animality as a way of dealing with madness

    • Millard

      • victorian examples of self harm

      • suicidality gives way to parasuicidality

  • emerging self harm

    • Millard

      • war state, beginning of the social

      • police to welfare to neoliberal

      • gesture, manipulation, acting out traumas, demanding attention

      • affect regulation and biomedicalism

      • non-centered on the individual patient’s exp

    • Contra Millard: cohabitation of social and affect regulation, the social virus

      • self harm in american literature transitions from something to be “understood” to “managed”

        • previously: prokalectics

      • new, hybrid approaches

        • [DSM-5]? here or w/ Millard

        • also bring in the diagram from the lit review

        • virus like spread, complex structures of attention and signaling (youths)

        • tentative proposals to allow self harm to occur under strict conditions (repetitive self harm managing), born out of a diversity of understandings-->tactics

      • contradictory approaches: hospital nurses expirence (see also Rosenthal, notes in lit. 4 and Annotated Bib)

        • cite collected schizophrenia, 2-point restraints?

Outline: The Enemy of My Enemy: The Politicization of Self-Harm

  • Brief History of self interest (see lit. review 4, pg 3)

    • Holmes: Welfare Fascism

    • Mills: Not in their right mind

    • Friedman: madmen and children

    • Thatcher: not the government, but individuals, family, friends, charity

  • Justice for the Disabled: On Rawlsian self interest

    • the epistemology of intrapersonal violence

  • contrast with Marxist interpretations of self harm

    • O’Grady, Reply to Shirley

    • also Stop Making Sense?

  • Two concepts from Schmitt: The Exception and the Friend/Enemy Distinction

    • discussion of IPV

      • intrapersonal violence vs. the dead state vs. self-harm as a way to focus, ecstatic giving up of the everyday mechanics of control to a ritual. an excess of blood, pain, going further then one intends, determining the time to stop

      • feelings of anger with the self. “the person I hate just happens to be me.”

    • revelation of the meaning of SH by reference to (and necessary breakdown) of the Friend Enemy distinction

      • critic/worker, vladimir doesn’t just want to kill, he wants to die,

    • both liberalism and marxism have a self-orientated notion of self-interest

Can the Madman Speak: What does self harm do for me?

  • summary of Spivak

  • productivity

  • awareness, self-insight, clarity (more painful, more safe)

  • supporting friends

  • the blurry boundary between DSH and IPV.

  • self-harm: internal relationships, external relationships, being-relational (Vladimir) 

  • political theory as a tactic for survival. 

    • ie placing myself in relation, navigating contradictory networks of alliances around and among myself. 

    • other’s interests precede my own. not necessarily supercede, but provide the foundation of an interest itself

    • the use of negotiations. see “draft: DSM: Foucualt, Millard, and Me”


Initial Outline Notes:

2. History


  •  Summary of madness, unreason, confinement

  • unreason as a moral, economic category. who acts outside their interests as determined by social production

  • the body of the madman--stronger, more resilient, the ice cure

    • humors, fibers, fluids, various diagrams of the body-soul (chapter 3, passion)

  • Madness, epistemology, and affirmation 

  • responses evolved

    • confinement at liminal spaces--entrances, boats

    • leprosy hospitals, between courts and police

    • conflation of criminal, wastoids, homeless, insane--but the insane had a special place in the umbra of unreason, demonstration rather then scandal, testified to itself

    • occupy time and be productive. 

  • the mad beast--tamed, not returned to humanity but affirmed the beast

    • whereas madness had been internal to humanity, see the madness of the passion 

^not self-interested, but the architecture of the mind


  • victorian

  • pre war, suicide

  • pseudocide, beginning of the social

  • gestures, manipulation

  • army hospital--war state

  • present social conditions, past social traumas

  • shift from criminal to the patient, the recipient--the welfare state

  • difficult patients, attention seeking, epidemics of harm (see american study)

  • affect regulation and biomedicalism, — neoliberal state

  • conclusion: the importance of new ways of thinking, but not concerned with incorporating the experience of patients

more about communication

  • prokelaktics, social life of knowledge (see fn. 13, lit review 4, on a heterodox position within the social model)

  • counter - perspectives: mental illness vs communication (Szasz). one doesn’t know what they say?

--being sane?, 

end with a note about uneven flow of ideas around self-harm--A&E worker study


3. common theme: self-interest

this is where I should bring in the marxists on alienation…

Schmitt’s idea of friend-enemy


-the myth of sanity? the divided self? on the internal pluralism.

develop the idea of intrapersonal violence as a counter notion to self harm

4. non-self interested self-harm

Can the subaltern speak, can we explain why we self harm without reference to self-interest…

feeling real, being productive, helping others

what does political theory mean to self-harm


Extra outline notes:

Being Sane—the social production of unreason

multiple meanings—more of the same

prokalactics--social psychoanalytic cure, self interest, internal knowledge trying to express itself

repetitive self harm & management --bring in prokalactics, more of same

O’Grady--stop making senseL marxist alienation

Body modification: other reasons beyond self-regulation, ends beyond yourself

Reply to Shirley: Marxists on biomedicalism

Justice Accomadate the Disabled: Expresion of vewiled interest relation. 544

caring for young people--Prob leave out

sometimes allow self-harm--leave out?

assisted suicide--bring its instrapersonal violence, etc

a lit review: see diagram pg 3/17, wide variety of explanations, counterpoint to atomistic hegemony


Reviewing *Sunflower Sequence* and *Firefall* by Peter Watts


References by page number: Foucault, Millard,Schmitt, Others