Notes on the Cult of Days
days of the week traditional associated with astrological bodies, deities, cycles of work and rest, auspicious times for organizing routines.
Power in creating your own schedule, marking and apportioning time, et cetera.
the piecemeal chaotic creative notion of time expressed in the idea of “my Friday”, “her weekend,” etc. these layer social time in interesting ways.
i have money automatically transferred from checking to saving goals on certain days—Thursday for Temple budget, every weekday for safety net savings, etc.
Temple budget: sacred items from goodwill, things to organize my room, cleaning supplies.
my mental particularities are such that the imaginary of the sacred, with its baroque and austere vocabularies, it's contradictions of open and closed space, attention to entryways, bridges, gates, hanging bells and charms, etc
Sunday: wheel, angel of time, resurrection
Monday: eye, angel of history, healing
Tuesday: dialectics, opposition, lightning, apostate-priest, apostate angel?
Wednesday: middle, snake and staff, transformation, healing, Sign, Wizard, Gandalf, Mercury
Thursday: trident, hammer, ascetic, rounding the third quarter before the last sprint, Visnu and Posideon,
Friday: Christ on the Cross, Venus entering being from the sea, loins of Oranus, love and sacrifice and horizons
Saturday: spectre of communism, ghost angel alien demon devil Deity godhead , The LORD, Law, Lore, Liberty, Silénce
Ghost Days--Saturday, or a day of rest, occurring in the waning crescent or New Moon.
Thoth, writing, Mondays and Wednesdays?
Athena, war, strategy, owls, wisdom, patience
Artimis, wild, Pan…
a lunar quarter (7-8 days?), waxing and waning for doing certain kinds of workings, which continue to opperate on the steady and untroubled continuity of the lunar phases and seasons…
for my next journal I'm going to devo5e a page or spread to lunar quarters each. monthly spreads too?
just some notes before my shift