The Gods Are Young
God is Young
Jude is an enochian angel and a blooming god. he has not aged in two thousand years, being one of the 72 disciples of the Occluded Messiah Yeshua Ben Yosef, apocalyptic prophet and bandit king who embarrassed Pilate and Harrid and joined a coalition of Asian kings, many Zoroastrian, others Helenistic, which resisted factions within the roman empire in favor of others. by focusing his power base in rough mountains populated by poor shepards, goatherders, holy men, and outlaws, he remained a high cost low reward target, a court of last resort for envoys, exiles, royal pretenders, disputed heirs, even at least two Roman senators found cause to give prayers for the reinforcement of the roof and walls of the Prophet, whose only self given titles were either enigmatic or lowclass, usually both (The Nazarine, The One you've been hearing about, the child of men).
he had got his start
Jude fell into his ring as a young zealot, bandit, terrorist, runaway house slave whose gift with numbers had elevated him to assistant to the quartermaster of a legion, a foreman's assistant, merchant train supplier …