Ghost Traffic

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♀️🔮 Shadesday 💜 14 Quintilis 2023 🌘 Buck Moon 🦌29X Messidor CCXXXI 🎆 Day 9890: Bårtlębãëūs the Scrivener ⛩️

Used to work in the Dead Prayer Office, sorting petitions to gods and principalities which no longer ever existed.

Is brought into the orbit of an archangel to copy out the lives of sinners so that their souls might be judged, their karma calculated, their essential nature isolated and tempered and recorded all as part of the great computational work of determining the universe's ultimate fate.

Copies out the lives of with an enchanted fervor bordering on mania. the angel and the devil who fight in the cosmic morning and night in the office are happy to pass off their objections to him, the office boy ghost however refuses to go near him.

Bårtlębãëūs refuses to compile a list of a the greater and lesser sins of a midlevel government functionary responsible for public works or financial regulations whose laziness or corruption will result in a cascading systems failure and the impoverishment of thousands. unable to be judged, the soul is returned to it's original life to repeat its course innumerable times. absent closure of this data, the universe itself remains incompletely documented, ameliorated, or resolved.