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!Essays : Qaristocracy •
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freewrite | ♁ | 24 Vendémiaire CCXXXI | 14 October 2-22 | 4 Gibbous Waning 🌖
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Freewrite ☍
… .prepositions
the guerrillas and the angel
There Are Realities within Realities
They’ll Cut Out Our Dreams To Make Us Sleep Faster
Remember—if you see someone shoplifting No You Didn’t
notes for an impossibilist manifesto
Time, History, Representation, God, Memory
Just finished my second readthrough of The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic, Duncan. some second impressions then.
¡¡All Power To The Angelic Juntas!!
the one about alliances
Temples to our Nightmares
Marxists, theorists, philosophers, revolution etc. as their own religion? cannon? Marx as materialist …prophet? Different denominations? Orders? an order of anarchist monks, guerrilla fighters, …they meet at temples of labor, in groves and basketball courts and the freeway underpasses, they put up art. Jedi, wizards, sages, martial artists, mystics, monks, warrior poets, ascetics, the avant garde.*