♀️🐮28 July 2023🌅 Feast of Hathor Aphrodite 🌔Day 9004?⛩️ hi Jonathan
patrons only sneak peek: upcoming ghost traffic blog post
how do we get a mutiny going on a ship the size of a planet? i really liked The Scar's portrayal of mutiny politics and in Children of Ruin too. as i bake with everyone else i wonder, how to incite a solar insurrection, how to build coalitions of the hot and sweaty, the homeless kicked out of cages into 111° heat for being poor in public, the construction workers in Texas, the
in Iron Council they strike against the weather. there's a revolutionary sexworker, and i am reminded of the AI proverb, 🔹In the Kingdom of the Police Officers, a Prostitute is often a Messianic figure.🔹{!Find quote}
at Belle's funeral they talked about how as a middle schooler she spent an earthday studying by candlelight and insisting all the lights in the house be turned off
i think climate grief was something that hit Belle hard. it hit her hard. id like to think her a nature demon, a poltergeist. I'd like to think of her resting in power. I'd like to think we'll meet again.
in escaping exodus, the people are not without their ghosts. they bring them with them, ship to ship, harvesting the living moon seized spaceworlds
in 2 different books the solution to the ecological - human hostility was to inject the humans with a dna editing agent, a vaccine/gene/pheromone biospirit which transcends species not to mention the problem of solipsism so as to uplift humanity into ecotranscendence, en masse, and then that's where it ends, no problema after that.
there's wishful thinking and then there's wishful thinking.
the challenge as a writer of the imaginative i see as currently the most urgent, is, how do we make the revolution imaginable, how do we make it real, how will it feel in our bodies to fight back against the reactionary programs, to consolidate resources, communicate demands, throw out the cops,
if i can make it thinkable, thingable, imaginable, linkable, it may help overcome the static friction currently surrounding the levers of power
♀️🐮28 July 2023🌅 Feast of Aphrodite Hathor Urania 🌔Day 9004?⛩️
hi Jonathan
yesterday was Gaiaday, Urthsday